Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year 2013: Blissful Journey, Greatest Love and Thanksgiving

"May this year be a more fun and joyful journey. There will be some places to explore, wonderful people to meet, and exciting adventures to experience. Life is worth living, and there's always a way to celebrate." 

2012 has brought so many good memories that I will forever cherish. Those memories are my learning experience that will benefit my growth and well-being. Though there were moments of despair, life must still go on and be able to rise up and take control. 

The previous year has been full of challenges, and I am grateful I've conquered those things. It may be hard to think, but the result seems lovely and rewarding. Life in 2012 was challenging as I encountered numerous obstacles along the journey. I have made it, conquered my fear, and survived the challenges.

Looking back at my 2012 new year celebration, I've written "My Goals and Wishes for 2012" (click to read). After the weekly reflection, I have compiled a list of things I wish for 2012. I've written it in a peaceful, serene environment in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. The place is perfect for meditation as it is quiet and can concentrate in a deep meditative state. 

I'm grateful for accomplishing my 'goals and wishes' for 2012. I wanted to be more clear and specific about my goals beyond my personal desires. Some were attainable; some have been granted, and some are still in the process. 

For this year, 2013, my goals and wishes are just the same as the previous year, but I just want to be more specific.  I have come up with the list below:

Family - to be free from harm, conflict, and illness.

Health - to be more physically fit and active. 

Career - to be more responsible and produce results.

Lifestyle - to be more balanced in personal and social living. 

Personal Development - to acquire virtues and values for growth and transformation. 

May this year be a more fun and joyful journey. There will be some places to explore, wonderful people to meet, and exciting adventures to experience. Life is worth living, and there's always a way to celebrate. 

Success is not a destination, but it is in the process of achieving the goal. More important is the ultimate fulfillment of desires--it is forever in my heart and mind. 

A blessed year 2013!

© 2013 Del Cusay