Sunday, February 28, 2021

Timeless Magical Moments

What makes you bring back to the timeless moments in your life? Those times when you're ecstatic and almost living in a fantasy.

There are times in our lives when we're chasing time, which create excitement. An exhilarating experience of a magnificent journey.

If only we could bring back time, it would have been the moment we got to believe in magic. It happens, and it puts us on cloud nine.

Time is just an illusion. When we're in a hurry, time seems so fast, and when we're waiting, time seems so slow. But what's certain is that we can always return time to a specific life period.; those times when we celebrate our journey to love -- whenever we feel loving and giving.

There are also moments when we feel some regrets whenever we bring back time. There are those moments when we don't listen to our intuition and become out of direction.

When I'm in a state of joy, it brings smiles and lightness from deep within. The magic suddenly happens, and the pain disappears --it truly heals.

And what makes us glow is our timeless and meaningful experiences. We keep on rewinding, and we keep on reminiscing. 

From this moment, I won't be chasing time because the magical moment has already happened, and it can make things happen.

Time can tell whenever we look back or see the future ahead. Just live in the present moment. Enjoy and let time do its magic.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay