Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year 2022: Sing Our Hearts Out

A year full of meaningful and joyous journeys. A year full of willpower to survive and thrive. And a year full of perseverance, inspiration, and motivation. That's how the year 2021 brought meaning into our lives. 

We've ended the year 2021 with a melody. Singing our hearts out as we welcome the new year 2022 by belting old songs.

The Music Played

The new year may set the mood for the entire year ahead. We've had enough of the noise and haste. We heard about the not-so-good things. We heard about the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

Whenever we feel ill with the noise, let the music play. When we feel joyful, the music plays. When we feel hopeful, the music plays. The ups and downs and the roller coaster of emotions keep the music playing.

My Elusive Dreams

The last time we celebrated the new year as a complete family was long ago. But we can still feel connected in the spirit of the new year. 

There was a new year celebration that I spent together with my sister's family in Manila. There was also a unique year celebration that I spent together with my parents in my hometown. 

And it's my elusive dream that we may celebrate the new year together as a complete family. Together with my siblings and their own family and with our dear parents.

We may wear different motifs for the new year, but we're permanently bonded thru colorful ideas and bringing colors to our lives. 

Life is even more colorful when we celebrate the new year as a clan. We may have different personalities and preferences, but we're united as a family with similar identities and familial traits. A family that stays together through thick and thin.

The Impossible Dream 

The new year is when we usually set new goals to achieve. Some plans may seem very hard or impossible to achieve. However, with a positive spirit, we can consistently reach great heights. 

There's nothing impossible for a dreamer who believes and dares to conquer limitless possibilities. Every year, we discover something new about ourselves. We discover and understand who we are and unleash the power from within. 

Sometimes we may have doubts and fears, but that doesn't stop us from achieving our heart's desire. 

I Know

I may never know what the future holds, but one thing I'm sure of is that a family is forever. No distance can separate us. Nobody can stop us. And no one can break us. Because if we hold on together and build a strong foundation and a more excellent shield, we can become unstoppable. We can consistently achieve the great things possible.

This new year 2022, brings a new level of perspective on life. It gets more vital energy and willpower. It brings a melody to our hearts. 

We can always choose to filter out noises and hear pleasant and melodious voices. We danced to the music and sang out loud. We can keep the music playing and sing our hearts out. 

©️ 2022 Del Cusay

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