Sunday, September 8, 2019

Heart's Desire: An Answered Prayer

If there is a tool that hears and grants our dreams and wishes, that would be the power of prayer to the Almighty. God hears... God listens... God answers our heart's desires.

That spiritual tool is in the hearts of people who flock together in a Holy place for prayer, celebrate a mass, or offer a thanksgiving. This is an act of affirmation of one's faith in the Divine, no matter their religious affiliations.

In the Philippines, people sincerely believe in the powerful intercession of the Divine Mother, Mama Mary, the Mother of Christ.

At school, in our religious studies, and in catechism, we were taught about the Holiness of Mama Mary for her obedience to God's revelation and plan. That virtue made her the most incredible Mother we adore.

In the powerful intercession of the Blessed Mary, we visit the National Shrine of Mother of Perpetual Help, attracting thousands of Devotees and faithful due to so many answered prayers and petitions. It is our deeper faith that our prayers are granted, just like our dear Mother who gives her child's wishes.

In our hometown, where people and families flock in a peaceful sanctuary in her honor, the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Lomboy has blessed many people who call her name in her intercession.

As we celebrate Mama Mary's birthday, we give her thanks and praises for all the answered prayers to God. Blessed Mother of God never fails a child who kneels and prays. Her Divinity inspires and blesses our heart's intentions and desires.

At this moment, I am blessed with another answered prayer. I am forever grateful for the Divine Mother whom I praise and adore. Our love for our own dear Mother is a manifestation of our love for the Divine Mother, our Mama Mary, who loves us and prays for us. 

© 2019 Del Cusay