A Mother is someone who loves us with all her heart. That is the definition that most of us would describe to our mother. Being loving and caring is beyond her duty of motherhood; it is a commitment and eternal. When we were young, we were helpless, and we ended up crying and clinging to our mother, who would then comfort us, making us feel safe and protected. As we grow up, our mother is still there, who watches us embrace our own world, ensuring that we can stand up on our own.
Today, we celebrate Mother's Day, a celebration of life; we are here in this world because of her and continue to live better with her undying love and support. Mother's Day Special: A Celebration of Love is not just a one-day celebration. It is to be remembered and celebrated at any time of the year whenever we feel the need to appreciate them and make them feel special. We may not be showing off how deeply we love them, but somehow we get to make them feel good with our sweet gestures.
Distance may not become a hindrance in showing our love to our mother. She is there to listen when we feel weak or frightened. She assures us that everything will be fine and you will keep fighting. The world is harsh, and we need to become a fighter in the real world. Mother's Day Special: Compassionate Care is a way of raising us to become better people and to realize our purpose in the community where we live in. We are taught never to give up easily, but a victory comes our way whenever we feel lost. We just need to be prepared to accept and live it wholeheartedly.
Today, some children may not have a biological mother on their side. But someone has given them hope and stood up to be their mother. It is a commitment and a testament to unconditional love. Blessed are those kids with a second mother to be at their side and guide them on their way up. When the time comes that they are living independently, they will reminisce and look back to their second mother and honor them for raising them well and for giving them a life worth living.
Our mother, our heroes! Our fighter and our defender! They will always protect and love us, and we give them back by following them because mother knows what is suitable for their kids. We honor and give them thanks. To our mothers, we pray they have more strength and power to live in this world and continue loving us children today and forever.
© 2018 Del Cusay