Sunday, February 14, 2016

Heart's Desire: Living A Fantastic Life

There are times when life gives us a sweet taste of beautiful experiences. Often, life may also provide a bitter taste of painful memories. 

However, we reminisce about the sweetness and bitterness that haunt us, our thoughts and emotions that will either make or break us.

When a tough time comes, we challenge ourselves to overcome it. We are creating an emotional shield, a metaphorical armor made of our resilience and self-love, as a protective defense not to become broken but to shed the light of love to ourselves and others. We activate the inner light to guide us when we are lost and to be redirected toward the path of righteousness.

Our memories, like beacons of hope, are beautiful experiences that uplift us when things aren't right. They remind us of our strength and resilience. Our miseries can teach us to become challenging when we are halfway through... but a fading light. We are crafted by our imagination and desires that can spark a greater force of illumined self for the greater good and a better life.

Today, we direct ourselves based on the principles we inherit. We go on confidently and without hesitation; we pause and ponder when it seems doubtful. We continue to seek validation, not out of insecurity, but as a reaffirmation of our growth and progress: "Are we good enough, or is it just enough?"

As we continue the journey, we are "Following Our Heart's Desire," We are molded through life's hopelessness and challenges, turning miseries into bliss. Each challenge we overcome is a testament to our strength and resilience. The peak of temporary happiness is when we surpass the valley of tears, a cycle of life that is never-ending, always brief, but has a joyous end.

Our destiny is always unknown to us. However, a divinely inspired being, a part of us that is connected to a higher purpose or calling, will arise in us, sharing a light of hope with some and enlightenment with many... only then is it right to live in comfort and the precious life we deserve.

 © 2016 Del Cusay