Our beloved nation, the Philippines, has not only been the focus of controversies since the beginning of Duterte's presidency, but these negative events have also catapulted us onto the global stage, making us newsmakers worldwide.
The international community has condemned our president's undiplomatic approach to governance and communications. We may enjoy the attention gained, but we may also suffer the consequences of our president's madness and impatience with solving the social problems of our time: poverty, corruption, crimes...
What is wrong with our President's government policies? Is he just being misunderstood, or is he confused and incapable of leading a nation of more than a hundred million? How could our President exercise good governance by being undiplomatic, irrational, and showing violent social behavior?
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Image source: https://twitter.com/edangara/status/826980193172549632 |
Our people, the Filipino people, deserve and require clear, unambiguous, and serious communication, especially from the president, whose messages and major pronouncements carry significant weight. The president's words to the Filipino people must be precise and not open to multiple interpretations from his communications team.
Since the beginning of his presidency, we have observed some vague statements later interpreted by his secretaries to defend him from further embarrassment. There's a circus in communication, and that has caused confusion among the Filipino people. Is there something wrong with the president's way of communication?
Since the beginning of his presidency, we have observed some vague statements later interpreted by his secretaries to defend him from further embarrassment. There's a circus in communication, and that has caused confusion among the Filipino people. Is there something wrong with the president's way of communication?
The Filipino people deserve clearer communication from our leaders. Chaos due to misunderstanding happens when we play with words we don't mean. We can decipher the truth from a false statement. We do not only hear, but instead, we listen and try to understand every single word coming from the most powerful man in our land.
Great power bestowed on our president comes with greater responsibility to his people. He is responsible for his words, thoughts, and emotions. What is happening to our society now is miscommunication among our government leaders, especially the president.
We are now suffering from a significant mistake in communication. For instance, the president has been clear from the beginning that the war on drugs will be bloody. We have been hearing statements like "I will kill you" and non-stop cursing, which is highly unacceptable and unbecoming of a statesman.
We are now suffering from a significant mistake in communication. For instance, the president has been clear from the beginning that the war on drugs will be bloody. We have been hearing statements like "I will kill you" and non-stop cursing, which is highly unacceptable and unbecoming of a statesman.
The President had planted a negative seed of thought in his men -- to the law enforcers on his war on drugs. His thought forms suggest that extrajudicial killing is a must to eradicate crimes due to illegal drug use and trading. He even admitted that he had killed alleged criminals by shooting to show to the policemen that if he can do it, why can't they.
The president's communication style has not only influenced the minds of our law enforcers but has also directly impacted our lives. The negative seed of thought he has planted has led to the corruption of our law enforcement, resulting in extrajudicial killings and other unfortunate events that we now witness in our country.
The war on drugs accompanied by due process is good. However, abuses like extrajudicial killing are not tolerable. We can't tolerate a lawless society, which will never lead to a peaceful country we want to achieve.
The war on drugs accompanied by due process is good. However, abuses like extrajudicial killing are not tolerable. We can't tolerate a lawless society, which will never lead to a peaceful country we want to achieve.
Corruption is a never-ending political and social problem that our country has been facing. It is like a cancer of our society, and it has never been eradicated, just like our problem with illegal drugs and criminality. The president has to focus on solving the root cause of our societal cancer and set an example of a leader who is not only in words but also in deeds and thoughts. He should not corrupt the minds of his people. Corruption is not only in the form of money but also in our moral, emotional, and spiritual beliefs.
The President has challenged our church leaders who consistently fight for injustices and immorality in our society. He has cursed our priests, bishops, and even the Pope. The President corrupted our principles when he embraced China against our territorial rights in the West Philippine Sea. The President has corrupted our good relationship with our long-time ally, the United States. The President has corrupted the minds of the Filipino people with his stand on morality and the justice system.
We have taught our children the correct values in school. However, this approach must be strengthened, and the family must actively participate. Values education enhances one's character and personality. If we can raise well-disciplined and responsible citizens, we can have a better world.
We can envision a society free from conflicts and wars. For years, we have been at war, and that is a war on poverty, crimes, and now the war on drugs, which is not the ultimate root cause of our social problem. We have to eliminate poverty consciousness and replace it with an abundance mindset. We will tire of fighting our social problems if we do not return to the basics. What is really happening within the family? What about our upbringing? Whatever happened to the teachings of our parents and of the church?
It's about time to consider what is most important. According to Senator Angara, good governance also means good politics. Since we see something wrong with our leaders' political stance and strategies, we have not yet achieved good governance. It is for everyone, not just for our leaders. Even ordinary citizens have to contribute to good governance.
For years, we have been fighting for freedom of expression, and today's generation is empowered to speak up for truth backed up by good values and character. We deserve a better Philippines and should not wait for our leaders. We can also do it! As we work together for peace and progress, we can leave a good legacy for the next generation, and they will enjoy the just and clean society they deserve.
For years, we have been fighting for freedom of expression, and today's generation is empowered to speak up for truth backed up by good values and character. We deserve a better Philippines and should not wait for our leaders. We can also do it! As we work together for peace and progress, we can leave a good legacy for the next generation, and they will enjoy the just and clean society they deserve.
© 2017 Del Cusay