Showing posts with label Personal Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Development. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I have A Dream

When I want something, I ask for it. This is a fundamental law of life; we attract things to which we give too much attention. When we think of something and go into a much deeper state of consciousness, we become closer to making it a reality. It is magical for some, but the experience is remarkable and authentic.
One of the most fascinating aspects of my life, from the past to the present, is the transformation of my daydreams into reality. It all begins with a single wish, a desire for something. We shape our reality with our thoughts, and we get to experience the magic of turning a creative imagination into a tangible reality.
In my past journey, I met people who challenged my life perspective. I could go deeper in life, but I received criticism for not having experienced what life truly is and for needing to be wiser like an experienced adult.
Despite my youth, I believe that understanding life comes from reflecting on our ideals and philosophies. We learn not from what we already know, but from the mistakes we make. It's through our imperfections that we challenge ourselves to become a better version of who we are. We strive to make things right, despite the wrong decisions we may have made.

I may be young, but I can influence people in ways based on what I believe is right and good for them. In the not-so-distant past, I have met wonderful people who were in trouble, and a simple understanding and philosophy of why such misery could happen in life guided them. I had not learned to counsel in school back then, but I knew it in real life as I encountered several circumstances I could turn into wisdom.
Yes, I have a dream; it was a simple dream of inspiring people to live fulfilling lives, and now it is coming closer to reality. Through motivational speaking, certain emotions can touch people. It is not just intellect but also a heart that feels that connects people together.
While I've been advised to be cautious about my wishes, I've also learned to recognize my limitations. I know when to stop and when to persevere. I trust my instincts, which I believe is a common trait among us all, and I follow what I know to be right and wrong.
We listen to different voices in our lives that could inspire or harm us. Nevertheless, we have inner voices that always direct us toward the right path. We cannot be sure of what lies ahead in life, but one thing is sure: we believe in ourselves no matter what voices we hear.
Looking back on my previous life, I am still young, and I still have wishes, and these will soon come true because I have proven them now. I was there before, and it was a fantasy; now, I am here and living my own reality.
© 2014 Del Cusay

Sunday, October 21, 2012

There is Certain Holiness in You

"It takes courage, perseverance, and sacrifice for life to become a saint, and the purity of the heart and Godly actions to become holy. You will neither become a saint nor holy. As long as you follow your life's purpose in good ways, you may not become a saint, but you are closer to becoming holy. "

What does it take to become a saint? How can you become holy? In today's modern era, people have experienced a drastic change in their way of living. To live is becoming more comfortable and convenient with the advent of rapid technological advancement. In some ways, this could mean progress, and the other way could be destruction--the good and the harmful effects of what life has to offer.

Advanced civilization has changed how people think and act. It has altered certain behaviors and values that were once good in nature. People have been so cruel, mean, and greedy. Understanding became confusion; peace turned into war; openness became selfishness, and love turned hatred.

However, no matter how bad people will become, particular goodness is left in his heart. People sometimes are challenging yet gentle. Some could be mean yet straightforward. Others could be cruel yet compassionate. There is particular goodness hidden in whatever dark side that people carry. 

Everything that happens can be understood better if you know both the bad and the good. Sometimes, you need to experience how it feels to become destructive so you appreciate the goodness in others. You need to do bad things to gauge how good you truly become. Only then do you distinguish which is better--the bad or the good.

We are commanded to do things by what is good and avoid the bad ones. But our world may be full of negativity that will test our faith. Some invisible forces will challenge you to your limits. It may be hard to escape, but to take it and live it.

Is it possible for bad people to become holy in the end? Is holiness only for the good ones? Can you become a saint if you've committed terrible evil deeds? Well, why not? Biblical history would tell that the famous saints we venerate today were once sinners. They may have been cruel and unloving in their past, but they have made significant changes and transformations. They had the power to change who they were and became holy later. They mastered the purity of their heart and spiritual service. In the end, the goodness in them prevailed.

Just like us, we can't be good all the time. It is human nature to commit mistakes and become bad occasionally. There is no such thing as an absolute human being, but only a divine being does have. Even the newly canonized saints did not live their lives in absolute good. They have been wrong even before attaining the ultimate spiritual enlightenment.

There is no need to worry if you become bad as long as you do your best to improve yourself. Your life is not your past. Your past does not define your future. Your future will depend on what you do to the present. 

Not everyone will become a saint since it is only for the chosen ones. No matter what good things you've done for humanity, there is no assurance that you will become a canonized saint. There is certain holiness in your being. Your goal is not to become a saint but to live Christ-like lives.

It takes courage, perseverance, and sacrifices for life to become a saint and the purity of the heart and Godly actions to become holy. You will neither become a saint nor holy. As long as you follow your life's purpose in good ways, you may not become a saint, but you are closer to becoming holy. 

© 2012 Del Cusay

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Perseverance in Times of Despair

"In moments of despair, you must never lose hope. When feeling down, there is a reason to rise up. When feeling lost, there is always a chance to win. Dare to persevere and accept everything as it happens. Dare to survive and live a better and more fulfilling life."

Winning in life is not all about achieving your highest hopes and aspirations. It is about the challenges you must go through before reaching the peak of success. Sometimes, you are at the crossroads of finding the right path and choices. However, when things go differently than expected, you may lose hope and feel uninspired to move forward.

Failure is part of winning if you view it with optimism. Persevering and learning from mistakes is a challenge that makes you a better person. Nevertheless, the absence of inspiration could lead to hopelessness, but enthusiasm drives you with the energy to keep on fighting.

Despair can happen in the absence of inspiration. In hopeless situations, you do not give a chance for the right opportunity to come, resulting in desperate actions that may turn into regrets and suffering.


Life may present challenges to acceptance and not taking something for granted. What you have gone through in life significantly impacts your self-esteem. All experiences teach you a particular lesson: to overcome weakness and to develop strength.

Unfortunately, despair is surprising. You must have faith that everything has a purpose and meaning. If you persist, you will reap a fulfilling reward.

Being desperate about uncertainties will only lead to pessimism. If not acted upon in the right way, it will result in another problem or failure. Thus, there may be no other way to control what happens in life, but there is a way to wholeheartedly accept it.


Overcoming challenges is a lifelong undertaking. It never stops and gives us the chance to become stronger and better. There is no reason to quit, but there is a chance to revive because challenges may continue to strike until lessons are learned.

You must never lose hope in moments of despair. When feeling down, there is a reason to rise; when feeling lost, there is always a chance to win. Dare to persevere and accept everything as it happens. Dare to survive and live a better and more fulfilling life.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Sparkling Life of Generosity

"We give light to those who are in the darkness; we give a light to those who are lost... and like a   light, we can live a sparkling life of generosity."

Blessings come into our lives at any moment and circumstance. Sometimes, it comes unexpectedly when we are already in our deepest despair and lose hope in what we pray for. Occasionally, we interpret blessings as God's way of letting us know we are being heard for what we wish and aspire to.

In our lives, we have received numerous blessings that answer our prayers. We have asked for it, and now it has been granted. Whatever we enjoy is conceived in our mind and now becomes a reality. We have it because of our faith and firm belief that we will achieve our strongest desires.  Everything we enjoy now results from our 'wishful thinking' or imagination, a concept that refers to the power of positive thinking and visualization in manifesting our desires. If we think about something and put our greatest concentration, affirmation, and action into it, then chances are we will get our wishes to come true.


In life, we don't only receive graces; we also have to give back in return. If we have achieved our desires, we must share the positive energy to make our lives meaningful. Generosity is not just about giving, but also about receiving. It's a two-way process where giving and receiving should be balanced and fair. When we give, we also receive the joy and fulfillment that comes from helping others, creating a harmonious cycle of generosity. 

Those who are well-off and financially capable have a social responsibility. They can give their share through philanthropy. Hence, in the corporate world, they must do their corporate duties of providing a part of what they have earned. This includes initiatives such as corporate social responsibility programs, charitable donations, and ethical business practices that contribute to the well-being of society. Less fortunate people also deserve some blessings. Some people live a life of discomfort and misery, and their hopelessness makes them feel that life is not worth living. 

Giving brings us immense joy and contentment. It's a sign that we have enough and we care. True generosity lies in giving wholeheartedly, without expecting anything in return.

Generosity is a good quality that we must practice. Even our little contribution makes us feel whole and have a sense of purpose. However, generosity comes in various ways and has its limitations; 


Our family's love and support are unwavering. They stand by us in all our endeavors, providing comfort and guidance. Even when we lead separate lives, we must remember our family ties and generously give back our love, care, and time.


Generosity extends beyond individual acts. By sharing our knowledge, expertise, and resources, we become part of building a better, more responsible society. Our contributions to the community come back to us, creating a safer, more active, and purposeful environment. 


It is good to give thanks with a grateful heart. Everything we have is a blessing from the Divine and borrowed for a limited time. The generosity we do reflects an 'open and big heart,' and such is an act of being spiritually connected to our purpose.

We give light to someone and to our environment through simple means of giving; we give light to those in the darkness; we provide light to those who are lost... and like a light, we can live a sparkling life of generosity.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cultivating Gratitude for Success

"Live life to the fullest and express appreciation and gratitude. Every day is a chance to succeed, feel blessed, and be grateful to live."

What does it feel like to live in a chaotic world and always remain positive? How can we say thank you in times of difficulty? How can we be grateful for life if we suffer from frustrations and pain?

Life could have been better if we all experienced the goodness it offers, but it is more challenging than we think. Life simply means sharing the good and the wrong things, the ups and downs—the life cycle. Sometimes, life may not be fair to us, but fairness happens when we all share the same misery even once in our lives.


Being thankful no matter what situation we are experiencing will give us the power to receive abundance. Gratitude is a way of appreciating and recognizing the blessings that come into our lives bigger or smaller.

We should be grateful for good health, happy families, success, and fulfilled living. Likewise, be thankful for things that make your work easier. Also, friends you can depend on and family that supports you all the way are the reasons that make you feel grateful. For instance, the ability to see the beauty of nature, the taste of a delicious meal, the sound of laughter, or the feeling of a warm embrace are all things for which we can be grateful.

Cultivating gratitude means improving or training ourselves to become grateful in everything. Awareness of what is abundant in our lives is the key to happiness. For instance, a hug from loved ones, a bright and sunny day, a smile from a friend or stranger, and love and support from family and friends can be a source of gratitude.


Eventually, we'll realize that even the most minor things we often take for granted could have been an excellent opportunity to express our gratitude. Sometimes, we are thankful for the good things we received but do not express gratitude for the not-so-good things in life. We need to fully understand its implications as to why we have to suffer or what lessons we can learn from it. We only give thanks for what is 'seen' compared to what is 'hidden'objective expression versus subjective realization. The latter is the source of genuine happiness and contentment.

I have dealt with people who are physically ill and those who consider themselves balanced in all life aspects. They may have opposite views in life, but illness could be a way for someone to realize how abundant his life must be, only if he is keen and aware of it. 

Through the lens of gratitude, even physical illness can become a catalyst for personal growth. It can lead us to shed bad habits and outdated beliefs and transform us into more spiritual and humanitarian individuals. This transformation can bring a sense of wholeness and balance that we may have been seeking

Indeed, gratitude is a life-saving force. Once uttered, it is an energy that can give us relief and the power to experience and express abundance. Life is supposed to be filled with gratitude since the world would become dull, unproductive, and not alive without it. It is with gratitude that we experience authentic living. It is in appreciation that we experience true satisfaction.


Daily is an excellent way to express gratitude for whatever we have accomplished or what we could offer or contribute. When we activate the powerful universal law of attraction through gratitude, we attract more positive experiences and opportunities, for which we can be grateful. 

Never chase more of what is not in sight, but rather be grateful for what is already there. Also, we can appreciate what we can do more than what we cannot.

I could be better, and sometimes I complain if bad situations arise. However, I keep myself back on the right track if my perspective can do more harm than good. Then, I activate the power of gratitude, shifting our focus from what we lack to what we have, and everything becomes normal again. 

We can learn to be more grateful for life and remember that we are blessed with the people so dear to us and in almost all circumstances that life may bring. Live your life to the fullest and express appreciation and gratitude. Every day is a chance to succeed, feel blessed, and be grateful for life.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting Ahead of Life's Adversities

"Life is full of challenges, and we must face them with courage and acceptance. Every day is a learning experience, and we become the person that we can be through the test of timegetting way ahead of adversities."

How do we deal with difficulties in life? In today's world, we confront several nuisances or blockages that prevent us from moving forward. Some would have rationalized this event as undeserving despite being good.

Adversities come in different forms. They could include losing loved ones, failed relationships, financial problems, natural and man-made disasters, etc. How we interpret these things relates to our beliefs and values. Acknowledging them helps us better prepare ourselves to take the best actions in anticipation of future unexpected occurrences.


Whether we like it or not, we will be facing adversities that teach us valuable lessons, and challenges continue to happen until it's learned. Sometimes, we have to experience bad things to show our best. And to teach us better ways to live and become more responsible.

We shall experience the benefits after we recognize these blessings. Some would resist, but it is wiser to accept them with absolute faith and believe that blessings will come at any moment.

If sacrifice is one of the keys to a good living, great things come when we endure and persevere through life's challenges. It is in hardship that we learn to grow up and become wiser. It only takes courage to rise and face life with gratitude.


Adversity teaches us the value of humility and that life is not all about prosperity. Sometimes, we need to change ourselves for the better. It brings good results by highlighting our responsibility and integrity.

If we observe closely every time we face adversity, we become stronger and more resilient. The moment we encounter the same problem, we already know how to deal with it; this time, we become wiser and more emotionally intelligent.

We experience painful emotions, but eventually, they will subside in due time, and we collect these pieces of painful memory and learn to move forward from grief and pain.

Life indeed presents tough challenges as a lesson, but they should not be viewed as a hindrance. However, it depends on how we view adversity, whether negative or positive. Repeated adversity would mean an unlearned life lesson, so it keeps returning until learned.

Life is full of challenges; we must face them with courage and acceptance. Every day is a learning experience, and we become the person we can be through the test of time—getting way ahead of adversities.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Following Our Heart's Desire

"Life is like a valentine. We never know when an arrow will strike us. We never know whether it will hurt us or give us joy. But whenever it comes, we accept it and follow with all our heartsour relentless desire."

At the present time, we may have been experiencing a lot of struggles to survive life's endearing challenges. These challenges could be financial difficulties, health issues, or personal relationships. Some people might constantly worry about finding the right path in life. Some wanted to achieve their goals and dreams despite limited internal resources. Some would have been giving up and letting live as it happened.

The fact that life is difficult is not the ultimate reason for us to quit, but to face life with faith and gratitude. There are so many things to be grateful for in life, one of which is our existence to find our purpose in life. We are here to follow the right path—the key to living a good life
, a life that is meaningful and fulfilling, a life where we discover and fulfill our unique purpose.

How we get it is a question that we sometimes cannot answer. We may have tried to solve so many never-ending problems. Some cannot be handled well, resulting in frustrations and distress. However, we should work for the mind and the heart—the love center.

A good heart

Often, we follow our minds. Yes, they are superior and control our well-being. Nevertheless, we should consider our hearts in our way of life. Our heart has several functions aside from pumping blood. Hence, we should consider its importance and not take it for granted.

If we feel like giving and loving, we activate our hearts. Whenever we think of being compassionate and altruistic, we use the seat. Therefore, our heart is as important as our mind. There is the mind that interprets, but there is a heart that feels.
 Let's not underestimate the power of our hearts in guiding our decisions and actions.

Man is exemplary in nature. Thus, we have a good heart. I recalled what our college teachers taught us: no matter how wrong a person is, there is still particular goodness in him. He still has a natural gift of a good heart. In that sense, we can renew and make better use of it.

Our desire

In our lives, we may have made wrong decisions that caused us to regret them. We have followed what other people have told us, followed the advice of a friend, listened to what a stranger said, and pondered wrong thoughts without following our honest and own desires.

For instance, in our society, we may know someone living in a dream with his parents. Pursuing a course or career opposite to what he truly loves. He cannot refuse but follow due to respect and love. He cannot live his own life but accept and persevere.

If this is the kind of life we want, we become prisoners of our fate—our heart's desire. It seems that we do not have a mind and soul. We never realize that life depends on how we make it and not just on living to somebody's wishes. It's time to break free from these self-imposed limitations and live according to our desires.

Something to ponder

What keeps us from not following our will and desires is why we are unsure of our capabilities. We still have doubts that haunt us to move forward.

We may ask ourselves, who am I? Yet, we are still struggling to know who we are. What do I want? Yet, they are unsure of what lies ahead. Where am I going? Yet, I need to figure out where to head in life. When do I get there? Yet, I have to start. Why shall I do it? Yet, I doubt my own self. And how do I get there? Yet, I am not utilizing inherent resources.

The questions above are valid because I used to be like that. Sometimes, I question myself to better understand who, what, where, when, why, and how I want. It is good to constantly re-evaluate ourselves to keep track of our goals and desires. This self-reflection is not a sign of weakness but a powerful tool for personal growth.

Keep going on

Like a Valentine, we may have hearts full of love and affection around on this day, expressing love and affection to dear ones. Everyone gives flowers, chocolates, and whatever they think is unique and worth remembering. Indeed, that reminds us that the spirit of love is alive. Our heart is in working mode, and it teaches a valuable lesson to keep going—to follow our heart's desire.

Life is not just about finding ourselves but about how we create it. Indeed, we are responsible for our own lives; like a sailor, it is our choice of direction. We have the option, which depends on how we use it to improve gameplay.

Life is like a Valentine. We never know when an arrow will strike us. We never know whether it will hurt us or give us joy. But whenever it comes, we accept it and follow with all our hearts—our relentless desire. We offer our best wholeheartedly and must follow what our minds and nature dictate.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Reaching Our Highest Potential

There will be some failure. There will be obstacles to the path of happiness and success. But remember, these are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones to growth. Sometimes, we think of giving up, but we must persevere and continue living with a sense of responsibility and purpose. Embrace the growth potential that lies within every setback.

Sometimes, we think of being incapable of reaching our dreams and desires. We recede from our ambition to reach our destinations in life. Suddenly, we get scared and lose momentum to achieve better results.  However, there are times when we are at our highest peak. We have reached our goals and dreams because of our strong desire and commitment. Our faith leads us to get there—the path toward glorious success.

If life is a cycle, I must agree! — We experience how it is to be on the "peaks and valleys." Life teaches us that no matter how difficult it may seem, we still have to move forward like a cycle that keeps moving on. We have the potential to achieve something better; we should not fear.


One of the reasons we do not have progress is a lack of confidence and belief. We fear committing mistakes. We also fear being judged.  We fear to rise and shine. But remember, the only judgment that truly matters is the one you pass on yourself. Believe in your potential, and others will, too.

I used to fear failure and that I hadn't tried my best in the past. I was shy then and not able to speak my mind. I never thought that fear would have sabotaged my chances of success for not giving my best. Now, I have built confidence and a positive outlook in life, and it amazes me whenever I think of what my life would have been if I had never decided to reform. For instance, I overcame my fear of public speaking by practicing and seeking feedback, eventually becoming a confident and effective communicator.

Some people may still be living a life full of doubts and self-criticism. It is not too late to step up from the shadow. We start to analyze ourselves and dare to give more of what we have. There is indeed a dormant positive force within us that is waiting to be tapped.


I have learned that we have to unleash our potential. By 'unleashing potential,' I mean identifying our strengths, working on our weaknesses, and constantly striving for improvement. We have been gifted with a great mind to think beyond the limits—to think extraordinarily. There is something within us that is hidden. And be useful once we learn to develop it. We can be someone that others would not have thought of achieving. We can be a person who once believed that 'it is impossible.'

Possibility only happens once the result is evident. We may have been condemned and ridiculed for our wishes, and they may doubt our capabilities. However, people do not know the hidden potential that lies within us.


Anyone can unleash potential no matter who and what he is. We may be familiar with some real-life stories of how a poor man later became a company's CEO, how a college dropout became prosperous and had a massive influence, and how even an uneducated man became a leader.

Educational status is not a mere factor in being who we are. It is the use of our mind power—our hidden potential. We can all tap into this potential, but we have a huge responsibility to carry.

What about people in late adulthood who have discovered their abilities in artistic activities like painting, film-making, or public speaking and leading a group? It must be that they have learned to unleash their full potential. It's hidden in their younger years, but only then have it untapped and make better use of it.

If only we had the talent and the skills about something, it is now the time to improve it and do the best things possible through it. This time, you should not have more doubts and negative beliefs but must have confidence and competence.


In our pursuit of happiness, we may still encounter mistakes leading to unhappiness, but we have to keep up with our hopes and high spirits. We have to learn how to live to our fullest potential.

I admit I am not perfect and never will be, but I have the relentless desire to live what I can, enabling me to move closer to my goal.

There will be some failure. There will 
be obstacles to the path of happiness and success. Sometimes, we think of giving up, but we must persevere and continue living with a sense of responsibility and purpose. Remember, it's not about how many times you fall but how many times you get back up that truly matters.

In conclusion, we can be ourselves and light up our world by unleashing our true and full potential. We deserve the best in life; it is the time to offer our best in return. Remember, there will be obstacles, but with perseverance and a sense of responsibility, we can overcome them and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How Failure Turned Into Success

Every failure, whether from the past or the present, is an opportunity for transformation. We need to redefine our past shortcomings, recognize what we did right, and discard what we did wrong. This process turns our failures into wisdom, paving the way for a future filled with victories.

Sometimes, I felt like a failure when things turned out differently than I had expected. I set a goal and planned for it, but in the end, it failed. It makes me feel bad, and it is just a natural feeling. Nevertheless, prolonged sadness is not good as it may invite negative and harmful thoughts.

We have experienced almost everything that life may bring—good or bad. Sometimes, we feel lost, resulting in failure. We fail to achieve... we fail to succeed.

I heard stories from people who had failed, failed in major exams, failed in their careers, died in reaching their goals and dreams, etc. Then I realized that failure is okay because we can learn from these failures and use them as experiences for our subsequent success. For instance, I failed my first driving test, but it taught me to be more cautious on the road. Hence, I call failure and success in disguise.


Our failures are not setbacks, but rather opportunities for learning. They allow us to reflect on what went wrong and what we missed. It's a chance to identify the mistakes in our process and correct them, paving the way for future success.

In college, our teacher would return our essays if she could spot grammatical errors or spelling. I tried to correct it as much as possible but had to edit my work repeatedly as advised. With that experience, I have learned something valuable about my writing, although sometimes someone has to send me a message to correct some mistakes. I am still thankful for the enthusiasm to learn from mistakes—it can be considered a failure.


I have tried this approach, and indeed, it works. It taught me that I should never fear failure and never chase perfection but rather excellence.

What is good about trying to fail is that we do not have to worry about being perfect. The good thing is that we might succeed by accident. Think of remarkable inventions by accident. They may have thought of failure, but it turned out to be another great invention.

Sometimes, I fail, but now I do not worry about it; I just divert my attention towards more optimistic thoughts and think, 'Today I forgot, but next time I will have it!' This gives me more courage to pursue my goals despite the odds. Remember, a positive mindset can turn a failure into a stepping stone towards success.


Failure is not a reason to give up but to keep trying. Whether we fail once, twice, or thrice, it's all part of the journey. It's a sign that we're persistent in our pursuit of success. And the next time we try, we succeed! We did it, and we're grateful for the journey.


Our own definition of success and failure is based on our personal experiences. Instead of saying, 'I tried, but it failed,' it is better to say, 'I tried, and I failed, but I have learned and tried again, and I succeeded!'

We can be harmful sometimes, but we must be more balanced and consider the circumstances. Reframing our state of mind can help us attain some of the good things in life.


Persistence can significantly impact achieving tremendous success, just like some famous people who have persevered so many times until they reached the status of greatness and success.

Take the case of Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple company. He was fired from the company he co-founded and failed at another company he founded. However, in the end, he succeeded and gained the admiration of many people.

We may fail many times, but we will surely succeed if we are persistent and courageous enough to face our failures.

Whatever we have failed in the past or the present, we need to redefine our past failures, realize what we did right, disregard what we did wrong, and then turn that into wisdom for a winning future.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Awakening our Spiritual Power

"A precious and brilliant gem is more polished and valuable. Just like problems - it is like polishing us to become the best we can be and become a person as brilliant as the diamond, which comes with great value and importance."

This month, we've delved into the profound concept of spiritual power, a crucial element in our personal development. This exploration was sparked by the enlightening lecture of our spiritual guide, Master Del Pe, who shared invaluable insights on how awakening our spiritual power can profoundly impact our existence and life purpose.

Here, I'm excited to share not just what I've learned from our lecture and group discussion, but also how I plan to apply this extraordinary power in my own life.

What is Spiritual Power

As humans, we possess a vast reservoir of power, some of which we have yet to tap into. We may sometimes wield this power unconsciously, leading to its unwise use. However, there exists a superior, infinite power that transcends physical might.

It is through spiritual practices and the guidance of spiritual mentors or masters that we, as spiritual practitioners, can tap into this power.

This power is not something that can be bought or taken away. It is inherent in our nature, waiting to be awakened, discovered, or harnessed for the greater good.

Developing Intuitional Power

To become intuitive, we must be able to study ideas and principles. We may have many ideas and follow different directions, so we must ponder them deeply. Becoming more intuitive is essential for our survival instinct and guides us toward understanding higher truths regarding universal truths.

Sometimes, our belief is only definite if we seek the absolute truth. What we think is just a product of our mind alone, without knowing that we are guided by different laws or principles.

For instance, I have an idea about something, but I need to prove it to be absolute since that idea may come from past experience or just creative imagination. The best thing for me to do is verify that idea or principle regarding what has been established or the universal truth that many understand and accept.

I have used my intuition in my past experiences but have done the right thing. My intuition says to act on something or decide on something, but I base my actions and decisions on my personal beliefs, which are only limited. In this case, I may have made the wrong decision or action.

With this, I have learned that it is essential to seek the universal truth to avoid the fallacy of ideas and actions. Universal truths serve as my guiding principle for attaining intuitive power and wisdom.

Likewise, using creative imagination is vital for developing intuitional power. Expressing our thoughts or ideas is a product of our creative vision. For instance, our brilliant input or output results from our mind's creativity.

The great things we see around us are a product of man's creative intelligence. In fact, we have to develop a creative imagination to achieve great things. Leaders in the global industry were able to create great products that are used today because of their minds' creativity. In our own way, we can do something great, if not for the benefit of the many, at least for ourselves, only if we use creative intelligence.

Another way of developing intuitional power is through meditation. I have been a practitioner for 8 months, which has significantly impacted my present life. There is a gradual transformation in almost all aspects of my life: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

I consider meditation my spiritual tool for nourishing my soul in a moment of silence. After that, I feel divine oneness and the healing benefits. In fact, the first post I made is about the power of meditation since it has made a remarkable transformation in my life.

Developing Wisdom Power

Some strategies for developing wisdom power include studying past experiences and digesting life lessons.

In our lives, we have been experiencing different problems that we consider obstacles or hindrances to our plans and goals. However, if we are going to reflect deeply, problems are part of the challenges we must face to become much more robust and better people.

In my life, I have encountered many problems, big or small, and I have been able to face them and look at them as a challenge rather than an obstacle. This has made me a better person, and I have learned a lesson from it that will serve as my guiding principle whenever I encounter the same problem.

The world's most accomplished people have faced tough challenges that put them where they are. We may perceive them as if they don't have a problem since they have everything, but we may never know that they have gone through difficult times before attaining success and fulfillment.

Whenever a problem comes our way, we should never give up but must fight for it.  "A precious and brilliant gem is more polished and valuable. Just like problems - it is like polishing us to become the best we can be and become a person as brilliant as the diamond, which comes with great value and importance".

Another way of developing wisdom power is being in the company of wise people or having our own life coaches or mentors. These people are considered masters of life, and they are more accomplished. Their ideas are precious and can become a source of inspiration and guidance to live a better life.

Life coaches or mentors are devoted to helping us towards the right path to achieve lasting success and fulfillment.

I have followed spiritual mentors like Bo Sanchez and other international life coaches like Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, and Master Del Pe. I have followed their blogs, articles, webcasts, and wise teachings, and I have read some of their books and gained insights about mastering life.

Those who have a mentor are more likely to succeed in life than those who do not. Even the most famous celebrities, in their expertise, have their own coaches or mentors. However, we have to be cautious about whom to follow. We must seek a mentor who can change our lives and impact us significantly. Numerous life coaches exist, but only a few are genuinely qualified and masters of life.

Metaphorical quotations can also give us wisdom, power, and intelligence. Famous people's quotes inspire us, and we can learn from them if we deeply understand their selections.

Some use metaphors that should not be interpreted literally because they have a deeper meaning. In fact, some metaphors can not get out of our minds once we have read or listened to them. They are instilled in our minds, and we use them to our benefit and to give wise sayings to others.

In our lives, we have noted several metaphorical quotations and uttered the same in our thinking. These quotations might not be well-known or recognized by many, but unconsciously, we have inspired other people and, somehow, might leave an imprint on their


Wisdom power can also be achieved through reading books and other forms of literature that are sources of knowledge and wisdom. The principles we have learned can be applied to living a better life.

One of the books I liked most is "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. The book is simple and easy to understand, and each chapter has challenging questions to ponder. It is a spiritual book that teaches life lessons as guiding principles.

I learned a lot from reading, and it is a lifetime education. I will continue to read, expand my mind, and share the knowledge that I have gained.

Intuitive and wisdom powers are both indispensable to attaining spiritual powers. We must apply these teachings to direct us to the right life path. We must know our life's purpose to better understand our responsibility to serve and that our spiritual powers will be our best weapon to live the better life we deserve.

© 2011 Del Cusay

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Power of Meditation

Together with the yogis in New Delhi, India

Meditation is an ancient spiritual tool used by Yogis and Sages, mainly in the Himalayan Region. This practice has been preserved and passed down through generations.

Many studies and research have been done to prove its healing effects on the body and mind. Indeed, it's a beautiful life tool for everyone who wants relaxation and calmness of the body, mind, and spirit.

My journey as a meditation practitioner has been transformative. It has instilled a sense of calm in me, allowing me to navigate difficult situations with ease. The improvement in my memory and focus has been remarkable, making me more aware of my work and surroundings.

Meditation has helped to correct my breathing pattern since I am a shallow and fast breather. Still, I've learned that deep and regular breathing habits are essential for physical, emotional, and mental health.

Meditation is a tool for spirituality, and it's true because the Divine Beings are present in moments of silence, especially when you are ready to have a quiet moment and able to listen to inner voices.

Meditation uses particular locations, body positions, and hand seals, which have significant meanings. To be able to concentrate well during meditation, you must be in a place that is free from noise and distraction. It is also appropriate to be in an open space or well-ventilated room. The back must be aligned and straight, and the legs should be placed in a lotus or semi-lotus position, or you may sit straight on a chair to make it more practical. Hands are placed on the lap with hands facing upward. Hand seals must be used because they are a core essence of meditation and a tool for spirituality. Joining your index finger and thumb together symbolizes spiritual power, while joining the thumb and the middle finger together would mean material energy or power. Joining the thumb, index, and middle finger together would be the best practice as it is more balanced--the material and spiritual power combined.

I meditate whenever I feel stressed, fatigued, and bored, and I've proven it very effective in regaining vitality. It makes me feel more relaxed and has peace of mind. Meditation has become an indispensable tool for me, and I consider it valuable for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being.

Initially, meditation was a practice that relied on imagination and visualization. However, for those with busy schedules, the advent of voice-guided reflections has made this ancient practice more accessible and practical.

Some meditation DVDs and books are on the market today. They can also be purchased through an online store and are available on some popular video-sharing websites. However, carefully choose which meditation products to buy and consider the author's expertise and reputation.

I'm fortunate to have been taught by an absolute master of meditation. He spent some of his beautiful moments in the Himalayas and was mentored by great masters. He has a deeper understanding of meditation practices and their hidden dangers. The knowledge and wisdom I've gained from him are beneficial in my practice and teaching others through seminars on special meditation programs he designed and created.

If you've witnessed the transformative power of meditation in your life, I urge you to give it a try. Open your mind to its potential to change your perspective and ideals.

© 2011 Del Cusay