Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lent 2019: God's Amazing Grace

The 40-day Lenten season may be a long spiritual journey among the faithful. This is quite a long time of sacrifice and giving up on insignificant things with our faith. Though this is a yearly commemoration of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection, we still haven't forgotten its meaning and keep following Christ for His teachings on living a Christian way.

During this Lenten season, our sacrifices would mean receiving Divine grace. When we feel hopeless and defeated, God is in the rescue. God comforts us with His loving arms when we are lost, tired, and sick. We feel His presence, and that grace means so much that is His amazing grace.

No matter how undeserving we are of God's blessings, we still receive and accept them. God's love for us, humanity, is that kind of saving grace.

As we celebrate Holy Week 2019, we will go through our personal struggles that signify our limitations; we are one with Christ's suffering. We will also offer our prayers and petitions for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our country. 

We may have different prayers and petitions, but the most common thing we ask for is our safety and security in times of crisis and at all times, to be spared from natural calamities, to achieve peace of mind, and to experience soulful renewal.

God's grace is truly amazing. We will forever be grateful for this Divine gift. A gift that uplifts our souls. A gift that makes us whole.

An amazing Lenten Journey 2019.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Lent 2019: The Spiritual Works of Mercy in Our Time

In celebration of the Lenten season, I have shared about the 'Acts of Mercy' which Jesus Christ taught us by example during his time as a living son of God on earth.

Corporal Works of Mercy in Our Time is about showing compassion to those suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in these modern times and how we can help them live a dignified life and feel the love, care, and support of fellow brothers in Christ. 

Corporal Works of Mercy are more on the physiological needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ. However, there are other Acts of Mercy that we are called to practice, which as the Spiritual Works of Mercy; to purify our souls and uplift our spirits.

To instruct the ignorant and counsel the doubtful 

Christians are called to reach out to others to draw them closer to Jesus Christ. During our younger years, we attended a catechism study in our Parish. That was our first step in knowing and practicing the faith passed on to us by our parents and even our great-grandparents as they have learned the Christ before us.

In our society today, we may see a lot of street children, orphans, and out-of-school youth who may not receive proper guidance and are the most vulnerable to exploitation and dangers. They may still be innocent and don't practice their spirituality since their elders may abandon and neglect them. This may lead to doubts about their faith and the absence of Christ in their hearts.

At some point in our lives, we may doubt our faith when a painful event happens. Why me, my Lord? This conflict in our spirituality may result in a deeper understanding and relationship with God as we sincerely strive to know the mystery of his love and mercy.

Even Mother Teresa of Kolkata experienced a dark night of the soul when she expressed her doubts about her faith; however, in the end, she conquered this spiritual conflict and continued serving and loving the abandoned and uncared poor. She left a legacy for us to overcome our doubts and remain faithful to Christ by letting people experience Divine love.

To Admonish, the sinner

Giving a warning or reprimanding someone for sinful acts may be challenging since we are all sinners and, at some point, have committed a sin and may be vulnerable to future sins in our lifetime. In short, who are we to judge?

But as Christians, we are called to protect our brothers and sisters who may be lost and against the direction of Divine light. Yes, we are all sinners, but that doesn't mean we can't lead others to correct their ways when they are fallen in the dark.

Today, we see children who are victims of peer pressure and lack good parenting and curiosity, making them vulnerable to sin. They showed lousy behavior, a rebellious attitude, and indifference. This may be quite different from the previous generations when kids show the highest respect to their elders and are afraid to commit wrongful acts against family values. Parents just want to protect their children so they will grow to have the correct values and contribute to society. Parents want their children to take the right path and rescue them whenever they are at the crossroads of right and wrong.

To bear wrongs patiently and forgive offenses willingly

There may be times when we become impatient towards the wrongdoing of others, and as human nature, taking revenge or hatred would justify our actions in return.

We may have been a victim of circumstances where our patience is being tested; either we accept it or fight for it. For instance, someone may have cut us in line. Let's let it happen and understand the person for whatever reasons he may have, or we could confront and verbally reprimand and embarrass him. Sometimes we commit the same mistake without knowing it, but others act patiently on us without any harsh words from them.

Also, we may encounter road rage, and both sides seem aggressive in proving their right. When someone offended us, our reaction would be to hurt that person even more just to get even and to protect our ego. This happens many times on the road causing public scandal and physical injuries.

Patience is indeed a virtue that we must cultivate and practice, and forgiveness is more significant for our peace of mind and purity of the heart. It may be tough to forgive those who have wronged us. Still, we must remember that as humans, we may have consciously or unconsciously hurt other people resulting in their emotional and mental suffering.

It is said that 'forgive and be forgiven, and this timeless wisdom is relevant even in our time. We can forgive people, but how can we be ignored by people we have wronged? I have learned that one of the steps in meditation is the forgiveness ritual, on which we have to visualize that we are already forgiven by that someone. This two-way process of forgiving someone and asking for forgiveness gives lightness to our hearts and freedom from worries and fears.

To comfort the afflicted

There may be moments when we are tested through suffering and pain. We ask God, why me? Yet, we are not alone in these trials since Jesus even asked, Father, why have you forsaken me?

We may have been victims of natural calamities and the death of loved ones, and heartaches resulting in loneliness, grief, and apathy. We may be experiencing setbacks and discomfort to fully understand and be compassionate with other people's sufferings. We go through the same path and feel their pains and sorrows.

In difficult times, one way to comfort those suffering is to walk with them to find their inner peace, thinking of their fate and offering a prayer. Then when they regain strength, they will be able to live a peaceful life and comfort other wounded and lost people.

To pray for the living and the dead

Our religious leaders often asked us to pray for them, and even Pope Francis did it several times when the church was exposed to scandals and issues that would test his leadership and faith.

Sometimes we pray to someone to ease his suffering or for whatever intentions they want to receive. It is said that whatever you ask will be given to you. This may be a universal law and doesn't fail to provide us with whatever we ask through prayer.

Prayer beyond personal intentions requires humility and compassion when directed to others going through tough times. It is even more excellent service
when we pray for those who passed away before us. We dearly departed need our prayer for them to be cleansed before entering their final resting place in heaven. We remember them in November on the celebration of all souls day; our prayers are what they need for their salvation.

During this Lenten season, we reflect on the teachings of Jesus Christ for us to have a deeper understanding and relationship with Him and to receive his glory. Through Acts of Mercy, we develop Christ-consciousness that will serve as our guide towards Divinely-inspired living today and beyond life on earth in eternity.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lent 2019: The Road to Forever in Jamindan

Some roads we're taking may be rough, but our courage and determination will take us to our destination, no matter how challenging.

In my hometown in Jamindan, we are leaving away from our painful memories. The struggles we fought and the battles we've won. We've found the newest place to refresh our minds and body and uplift our spirit our soulful desire.

As we embrace development, we have finally closed the loop and become connected by covering the roughness and enjoying a smooth ride to the road to forever a place like no other. 

This national highway from the town of Jamindan, Capiz connecting to the town of Altavas in Aklan, offers the latest destination among lovers, a group of friends, bicycle riders, and families as they take this journey to their destination and capture pleasant memories in this place they may call as paradise.

Located in Barangay Lucero in the town of Jamindan, this road with a higher elevation offers a breathtaking view of the mountains while enjoying a misty and cool wind during the rainy season and being captivated by the clear blue skies and beautiful sunset during summertime.
 As we go for an adventure, the road to the summit may now be refined, but what makes us feel good is when we reach the highest peak, have a short break, take a deep breath, heal our broken hearts, and leave all our worries behind. 

On this Lenten season, the road to forever may be a good place to unwind, feel relaxed, meditate, and be connected to the Divine. A peaceful sanctuary to relive our sense of purpose and fulfill our dreams and desires.

The road to forever in Jamindan is a destination for everyone who wants to express happiness and those who may be lost, wounded, or broken. 

And so when the time comes that we have regained our strength, then we can collect each piece, our incompleteness, and become whole and renewed again. 

© 2019 Del Cusay