Sunday, May 3, 2020

Survive and Thrive

It's been more than a month in quarantine, isolated from people and the community. You can't get out; you can't move freely and comfortably.

Some call it home arrest away from the unseen invader. Others may fantasize about it as an extended vacation, but it should not have been this way never ever this way.

Our world suddenly stopped, but see! our world is healing itself. Lots of changes in our community and the rest of the world. 

If the world is healing, how can we not benefit from it? We, too, must start to heal, and so like the healing earth, we can become whole again and ready to see the world again.

Healing our body, mind, and soul can significantly contribute to the world. We may have inflicted much pain on our natural world, so we suffer. We suffer from living in uncertainty... beyond our reality.

And now, the world forces us to reflect and heal our minds and emotion. Unless we heal ourselves, we will be a prisoner of fate forever.

However, there will always be an antidote for our suffering. It is when our collective actions benefit the world and humanity.

There is healing in our love, in our hope, and in our faith. That's a healing antidote. Not a vaccine.

When we think beyond ourselves and do more excellent service to others, we contribute to healing. And so today, no more fear! No more anxiety! It has been replaced by love and understanding.

Yes, we are surviving! But in our desire to stay, we also dare to thrive, grow, and become better and stronger. Our life journey never ends after these challenging times. Hence there are endless possibilities for us to learn and be of service even in our own way.

Don't just survive, but thrive! 

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Opportunity in Crisis

We feel people's fear. This pandemic teaches us to be sensitive to different kinds of emotions. Anxiety, panic, boredom, anger, irritability, and depression are some of our common reactions. People may not say it, but we sense the negative vibe of people's lower emotions. 

We sense fear because our consciousness detected a new threat to our being; in humanity. Hence, what we feel is just average and expected.

But how can we escape this threat? How long shall we feel fear? How can we go back to living an everyday life?

During these times, education experts say we live in 3 different crisis zones.

Fear Zone. This is our initial tendency to threaten. It's normal! Feel the fear. Acknowledge this feeling and not be in denial. Our physical expression can't mask our feelings deep within for one main reason we are all together. We are wired to feel for each other.

Learning Zone. This is an excellent opportunity in times of crisis. We make use of the time we are in isolation. Most people might still be stuck in a fear zone, but learning shouldn't stop us. Students, working professionals, parents, young kids, and even old retirees can learn something new during this time. New knowledge and skills are our weapons as we return to living a 'new normal' during and post-pandemic.

Growth Zone. This is about taking control of our emotions and mind.
When we achieve a certain level of self-mastery, we grow and transform into a more fantastic version of ourselves. We succeed because we refuse to remain a victim of circumstance and prisoners of fate.

So, in what zone are we now?

From the 'fear zone' during the first few weeks of quarantine, I am now in the 'learning zone' where I feel a lot of positivity and personal empowerment. 

I have attended several webinars offered by local and international organizations and have learned from Thought leaders about different subjects of expertise.

I listen to educational podcasts and read valuable insights from online articles. I keep on learning and auditing existing knowledge and beliefs. I keep on pondering and updating obsolete information that hinders growth.

There's growth in learning.

Soulful Sunday is a great opportunity not to be stuck but to learn to adapt and engage in new interests and habits.

Farming has been a great activity for us even before the pandemic, and we continue to plant seeds for a bounty harvest in this uncertain time.

This is an opportunity to cultivate, develop and create sustainable living. Organic farming practice is what we need for a healthier body and immunity to fight the unseen enemy.

Life in the countryside will always be exciting. It's just a matter of changing our mental state and the definition of success. There's a lot of learning and an opportunity to live a more comfortable and healthier life. 

As we move on, we will look back to realize that fear sabotages and taking in control of our destiny. And so, our antidote is a dosage of learning to become better and bounce back more vital than ever.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Positivity in Uncertainty

Energy follows thoughts and intentions. That's one of the most essential pieces of wisdom I have learned and adopted for years.

We can make things happen when we pay attention to our thoughts and with a higher level of optimism. We can let almost impossible things happen.

But how can we stay positive in a world full of negativity? With the recent global crisis due to the pandemic, people get scared and anxious about what lies ahead of our uncertain future -- the coming days and years.

We are all at risk. But at this time, somebody must be ahead of us. Somebody must not be so scared as we are. They are our elders, our parents, and our grandparents.

What makes them have the highest level of positivity is the struggles and life experiences that they have survived through the years.

Yes, they may be the most vulnerable, but they have the most positive spirit all through these times.

They are not the weakest but strongest because of their faith in the highest Divine power. Their religious or spiritual affiliations and activities are what make them truly alive.

My Soulful Sunday is spent at the farm, and on this day, my parents show us how to live and survive this crisis.

The striking statement I have heard from them is that extensive farmland only serves its purpose if cultivated for sustainable farming.' That's the reason why they put their energy into it.

As I visit the farm after a week of home quarantine, I am glad to see the vegetable farm, which they have spent most of their time and energy on.

They may never know what tomorrow will bring, but they know how to survive and thrive. There are no excuses, but only developing habits and a positive mindset.

In days and weeks to come, we will harvest vegetables and fruits that will give us nourishment and a healthy body. Our goal is to strengthen our immune system, starting with healthy food on the table. Farm-fresh produce for better health and stronger immunity is all we need.

A lot of positivity for today. A lot of flashbacks and realizations. A lot of energy, but with positivity in uncertainty.

© 2020 Del Cusay