Showing posts with label The Road Ahead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Road Ahead. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Holy Week 2019: Our Personal Journey to Calvary

Calvary is a hilly place associated with the crucifixion and death of Jesus, a place we always remember to be the most painful event in His life. Its relevance in today's time goes beyond our catechism about his passion and death, but also our personal journey as we experience carry our own cross our trip to Calvary.

This year's Holy Week celebration commemorates Christ, our Lord's passion, death, and resurrection. This is the time for personal reflection and devotion about the significance of Christ's suffering for humanity that is not exclusive to a particular faith, culture, and social status but refers to Christ's love for all human beings.

We may be suffering endlessly in our lives, even after death, but through pains and sorrows, we learn to grow spiritually and become a more substantial followers of Jesus and servants of God. If we can remember the stories of several saints that we venerate, they may have been the most sinful man who lived on earth. However, God transformed them into his living disciple until their last breath.

Just like us, ordinary humans, we strive hard to become holy, but sins are inevitable. No matter how prayerful we are, we commit sins with our thoughts, words, and actions, yet we still follow Christ and do not abandon our faith. The church is our refuge in times of difficulties; we kneel to pray, ask for forgiveness, and repent for our sins even though we continue to commit sins to various degrees.

We carry not just our own cross, but we have multiple crosses along the way. We take the cross for our family, country, and humanity. From our own cross, we are now connected and interrelated. We have sinned personally, as have our families, government, and society.

These crosses are the hardest and the most painful to carry. Every day we struggle for something, from our thoughts and intentions to our decisions and actions. Our daily suffering is a reminder that as we live on earth, we are bound to suffer just like Jesus, and He taught us that through pains and struggles, we can be saved through His examples; for me, that's how Jesus saved us from our sins through His unconditional love.

We have our personal journey of suffering and our very own Calvary in our hearts and mind. When we become a prisoner of our negativity, we also become a prisoner of our faith.

In my hometown in Jamindan, a Parish was built by the people as they carried their cross. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Linambasan, Jamindan, Capiz, is a place for people who call for the Divine Mother to help us ease the pain and comfort us in our difficulties as we carry our cross.

At these times, we even go beyond our personal cross as we help each other carry the cross of the community of the faithful so that we may be able to walk straight on the path and take a lighter load than we can bear. When we can maintain the little discomfort as we carry our cross, we can help lighten up the heaviness of our society created by our negativity. We can then go beyond our share of the country by being the responsible and faithful citizens that our family and small community have produced.

Holy Week 2019 is to reflect beyond our personal desires for holiness. We may be a sinner, but we can grow spiritually to become better members of our families, community, and beloved country. The Calvary in our time is not a final destination of suffering, but we always carry it and bear with it until our last moment and judgment.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Related Post:

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lent 2019: God's Amazing Grace

The 40-day Lenten season may be a long spiritual journey among the faithful. This is quite a long time of sacrifice and giving up on insignificant things with our faith. Though this is a yearly commemoration of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection, we still haven't forgotten its meaning and keep following Christ for His teachings on living a Christian way.

During this Lenten season, our sacrifices would mean receiving Divine grace. When we feel hopeless and defeated, God is in the rescue. God comforts us with His loving arms when we are lost, tired, and sick. We feel His presence, and that grace means so much that is His amazing grace.

No matter how undeserving we are of God's blessings, we still receive and accept them. God's love for us, humanity, is that kind of saving grace.

As we celebrate Holy Week 2019, we will go through our personal struggles that signify our limitations; we are one with Christ's suffering. We will also offer our prayers and petitions for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our country. 

We may have different prayers and petitions, but the most common thing we ask for is our safety and security in times of crisis and at all times, to be spared from natural calamities, to achieve peace of mind, and to experience soulful renewal.

God's grace is truly amazing. We will forever be grateful for this Divine gift. A gift that uplifts our souls. A gift that makes us whole.

An amazing Lenten Journey 2019.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Starting The New Year Right: Wisdom from Master Del Pe

Two weeks after the New year's day celebration, people may be gaining momentum on their new year's resolutions. It's overwhelming! Since it takes discipline to keep going on and lots of patience in waiting for the desired result.

Whatever people may have set as their goal for 2019  would never be accessible from the start, but having a positive mindset and determination can help if serious about making things happen. There is no shortcut; there's no such thing as hacking our way to success. We must learn our past lessons and commit to improving ourselves. 

For this year, I've set my mind on starting my first week right. That means eliminating or avoiding those negative thoughts that harm or jeopardize my goals. The first week after the new year is crucial to determining how long we can hold on to our resolutions.

New Year 2019: Sunshine After The Rain talks about my goals for this year. I may have set it subconsciously a few years back, but I would want to regain the power back. When you lose, you get to start again, and willpower becomes activated with the intense and pure energy of the body, mind, and spirit.

Balanced Energy

Having balanced energy at all levels is a must to achieve our goals. I've learned this from Master Del Pe, a world-renowned life coach, and spiritual guru. Master Del Pe, known as "MDP" to his students, teaches about balancing our energy on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. For instance, having an active material and mental body that is less spiritual doesn't balance you. Likewise, having a higher level of mental capacity but with a poor physical body doesn't make your balance either. This is fundamental wisdom from a modern sage, Master Del Pe.

Together with Master Del Pe at Baguio City, Philippines, in May 2011

To know more about Master Del Pe and his services, visit his website at and, and you will discover his breakthrough programs for health and wellness.

Better Health

A positive and healthy mental state starts with a healthy physical body that is achieved through physical exercises and a proper diet. I started to like eating a vegan diet in 2011 when I joined Master Del Pe and was quite active in physical activities like powerful stamina and essential martial arts. I was slimmer during those years compared to the present, when it's hard to eliminate unwanted fats on the tummy. Now it's also hard to lower bad cholesterol. I just can't take those "Statins" and would rely on physical activities and a balanced diet.

To start my new year right, I resolved to avoid drinking soft drinks and take in less sugar. I am now into drinking lemon water, a natural colon cleanser or detox. I also like consuming turmeric for its anti-inflammation effect. I have been eating too many sweets, and reducing my consumption before it leads to foreseeable health problems would be good.

Personal Development 

I read many self-help articles which are beneficial for growth and success. It was also through the books of Master Del Pe that I learned about personal development most practically and efficiently. One of the best tools I have learned is meditation, and it was Master Del Pe, a master of 8 types of meditation, taught us how to meditate effectively with the use of "mudra," sanskit term for hand seals chanting those sacred mantras for transformation. 

When life gets tough and triggered by so much noise, it's good to spend at least 20 minutes meditating 2 to 3 times a week to regain life and have peace of mind. 

In Manila, where traffic congestion is the worst in the world, I would simply close my eyes, breathe in and breathe out along EDSA as I ride the bus from Ayala, Makati, to Monumento Circle Caloocan City. Meditation has saved me from enduring the long ride, and it doesn't cost a thing, but the benefits are priceless. In fact, my first-ever blog post is about The Power of Meditation. It has dramatically changed my life, and I believe this world would be a better place if more people would learn to practice the art and science of meditation. 

To start the year right, I would have put some time for pure thinking time which was advised by Master Del Pe. Before blogging and after it, I think and reflect deeply; that is also a great mental exercise and good for mental health. 

Starting the new year with a positive spirit and higher hopes gives an overwhelming feeling of joy. I feel Joyful whenever I overcome a challenge and continue doing so until I've made it. It's a commitment made for the entire year. It may not last or may have been broken, but willpower can help to make it happen. As I strengthen my personality, I prepare myself for something coming my way. I may never know it yet; it may be cloudy for now, but I know for sure that I can help myself rise up and break through the barriers of my personal journey to success and fulfillment not only this year but for a lifetime.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year 2019: Sunshine After The Rain

A glittering, sparkling, and noisy celebration. That was the end of 2018! Fireworks had light up the dark street as we welcomed the New Year 2019.

Just a few minutes before the clock turned exactly 12 A.M., signifying that the New Year had officially started, I shouted out loud with my vocal power to sing the famous "Auld Lang Syne." I belted songs by Michael Bolton, "Go the Distance," and the rock star Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" was randomly chosen from the thousands on the list.

Good thing that the weather was good after the rain had stopped for people and families to welcome the New Year with optimistic hopes and somehow to light up some fireworks too. Nothing could have prevented the Filipinos from walking in the rain to have last-minute shopping to buy food for 'media noche,' including the 12 or 13 different kinds of fruit that would bring good luck, wealth, and prosperity according to the traditional Chinese feng shui.

Nothing could have stopped us from enduring the long line to buy a chocolate cake with a signature "New Year 2019" on top. After all, it's nothing compared to the challenges we endured in 2018.

In the last 10 years, the new year's Eve celebration was more colorful and noisy, but now the noise and glitters are shorter. Festivals are becoming more simple but still memorable ones. Perhaps we strive hard to make each new year celebration have something special on the table and be together with our dear family.

Some may have chosen to spend their time at a lavish 'year-end party with friends and acquaintances and enjoy the New Year countdown with them. I may even have the desire, but I always choose to spend the New Year with my family. Even how simple the celebration is, it gives a specific meaning that family is love, truly our love. A family who will be with us not only on the first day of the year but throughout the year and beyond.

Since 2012, I have spent precious time alone for some 'Year-end reflections or Year Reviews. I promised to reflect on how the previous year improved me, what I have accomplished, and what lessons learned. Christmas in Our Hearts 2018: A New Milestone, Self-Renewal, and New Beginning was a roller-coaster ride. That year brought massive struck-like lighting and a tremendous wave-like tsunami. 2018 may not be favorable, but I have fulfilled some goals and learned valuable life lessons. Just like when the year has ended, a new and brighter year ahead awaits. Though we may never know what is on, we remain hopeful.

As I look back on the previous year, New Year 2018: Beyond the Limits brought a rough journey with an uncertain destination. Several distractions didn't serve an actual purpose. Being out of focus can be destructive and put limits on our actions and coveted goals.

Returning to the present, this New Year reflection is about my goals and aspirations to achieve for the year and carry over the previous years' experiences and life lessons. No matter how unfavorable it may be, it is still part of my past and can be part of my present and future endeavors.

Higher level of endurance

My previous corporate jobs and positions required tremendous physical power. I have learned to improve my physical and mental stamina through the years since I learned to adopt powerful physical exercises and meditation, which I have not practiced actively for about 3 years already. May 2019, bring back lighter and more active physical energy through simple yet powerful exercises and meditation. 

Physical Grounding 

I realized a few years ago that nature has given us a way to stay grounded or connected with our roots. With our busy lifestyle and stressful day-to-day routine, we must remember to be dropped. Our mind takes us somewhere else, and we do not feel the natural elements of the earth for healing. Back in my hometown about 3 years ago, I put some medium-sized fine stones to add natural ingredients to our little garden. I would then invite my mother to take a barefoot walk with me. It gives a physical grounding effect aside from the natural reflexology it provides. 

May this year bring me to places close to nature and experience real physical grounding. To leave footprints in the sand, camp by the beach, and sit on the shore. 

Emotional health

To feel angry is normal, but to utter words that are not good might be hard to take back. Thus, one thing that I have learned is to be in control of emotions. It may be the hardest thing for me to do, but that is good for my emotional health. Sometimes I must keep quiet to avoid an argument despite the urge to do so. Now, I would understand people's actions and intentions and apply self-restraint in choosing words and appropriate actions. 

Mindfulness and Social Awareness

Being mindful is good for mental health. Prayers and meditation, it will help us to look beyond ourselves. To lookout for an opportunity to be of service to someone or to a larger community. I have been part of a group that gives excellent service to humanity through social projects. However, I have not followed through for years. May this year open another door to reach out to people for empowerment.

The Power of Now

One thing that I have learned is to act in the moment whenever possible. To procrastinate is to delay things; soon, when there's a lack of inspiration, it's hard to do it. To be present at the moment is also mindful and could prevent us from having doubts, fears, and frustrations.

When I acted on my dream to start a business independently, I didn't wait to have everything perfect or accumulate more knowledge. I simply made the first move, and everything followed according to plans.

Grit and Perseverance

When all else fails, I have to accept things as they happen, analyze the situation, make a solution, and move on to what's next. Whatever happens, no matter how difficult the road is, I must survive the odds and keep the fire in me to reach my dreams. I can make things possible for myself with relentless desire, the highest hopes, and a positive spirit. If I dream of it, then I can achieve it.

The list of new year's resolutions may be endless, but these are the topmost achievable priorities for now. As I remember, those 2 songs I have sung may subconsciously be what I am. I always aspire to "Go the Distance" to reach the extra mile. I also take control of my life because "It's My Life" is my life, and I must live it. And remember those people who made a sacrifice to walk in the rain? They may have been over and gone through the pain.

A blissful New Year 2019!

© 2019 Del Cusay

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Memories of Summer 2018

There's nothing that compares to the feeling of happiness that the summer brings. Some may hate the hot and humid temperature, while it is truly bliss for others. Whenever the favorable temperate month of February ends, it excites us. It looks forward to out-of-town trips, adventures, or a simple staycation to unwind and rejuvenate. The most joyful time of the year is spent at the beach, a waterfall, a river, or a mountain resort to relieve intense heat.

What makes the summer of 2018 memorable is the journey on the road. No matter how far the destination is, we still enjoy the scenery and can't wait to experience what the place offers. The calm and gentle blow of the wind, the allure of the ocean, the amazing sunrise in the east, and the beautiful sunset in the west are the things that awaken our spirit. When we recognize the beauty of the natural wonders, we experience ultimate happiness that is truly memorable.

There's a feeling of great relief and a sense of renewal for even a short while once we temporarily escape from the everyday work. Natural healing cleanses and purifies us to make us complete and ready to face a more complex world with calmness and peace. I always believe that our body always finds its way to healing itself. It's as if our soul wanders around, and our physical body brings us somewhere. Our soulful desire makes us live our purpose to stop for a while and take a deep breath as we enjoy the precious moment.

Summer Food bazaar at Bonifacio High Street

Summertime is about the enjoyment of little things that matters. We enjoy being outdoors and experiencing life on the street. We want the food accompanied by upbeat music. We appreciate the vibrant and positive energy that gives us a sense of accomplishment as we reflect on our victorious plans and actions. We made it! We succeeded! and we express our gratitude for it.

Summertime is the preservation phase of the year and a great time to energize and revitalize before the onset of the rainy season or monsoon. We enjoy the season in the sun and return to our place with much gratitude and peace in our hearts and mind. During our travel, we develop realizations about work and life balance that we deserve a much-needed break once in a while to relieve stress and burnout; the prize is an appreciation for a meaningful life — a life well-lived. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Road Ahead: Setting A Goal and Getting Started

Often it's hard to get things done when everything seems to be just a plan or a goal to be set in the future. Yes, there are times when we are preoccupied with thoughts about what to happen in the distant future, but all we do is keep rehearsing until it becomes polished or perfect. However, no matter how refined our thoughts may be, something will only happen with our goals if it's just a thoughtform with necessary action. For years, this has been the reality for most people who are dreamers, setting a plan but only acting on it once everything is perfect. A certain perfection would mean no room for failure, and everything must be smooth sailing.

Whether our intention is directed towards personal development, such as developing our self-esteem to finally quit the corporate job and become a freelance professional, such thing brings excitement through a vivid imagination. A dreamed reality is hard to distinguish from a real-life achievement, though the latter is the most real and not just pure fantasy. Just like an absolute dream when we thought that it had happened already. The moment we wake up seems natural and not a dream state. A Deja Vu, or whatever we call it, a dream will remain a dream, and action will become a reality.

For some, learning to drive and owning a car is a dream. It's not just a luxury but a necessity in everyday living. Since childhood, we have been dreaming of driving even the fanciest car. Anyway, it's just a dream, but we have yet to realize that it's a simple dream that can make a reality. Through perseverance, we have worked on this goal, and there will come a time when we have achieved it. Owning our dream car has become a reality; for others, it's a fantasy, but that is now their reality. As a Sales Consultant, helping people acquire their dream car is my goal, and once they have owned it and driven for the first time, it brings a certain level of happiness and excitement to discover the road ahead. It's the imagination of reaching a desired destination that brings us joy that no matter how tough the journey, we still have the courage to finish the trip.

Another thing is about the journey to entrepreneurship, when some may have planted in their thoughts that someday, they'll run their own business and manage their own people who will help them achieve personal goals. It takes years of endless planning, but action must be taken to start owning it. It's not merely based on fear alone; it's not about lack of knowledge but about the lack of courage and perseverance. How about pursuing post-graduate studies? Do you aspire to get ahead in the corporate world? That's just 2 yrs, and you'll have an advanced degree deserved to get promoted and eventually raise in salary. So many dreamed realities will remain in a state of inertia unless acted through force. That's a law, and the universe tells you otherwise.

Even simple goals have remained as a thought form. Is it the goal to achieve physical fitness? Going to the gym and getting rid of some unwanted cellulite? How about hiking and mountain climbing? Was it last year that you promised to climb a mountain before the year ended? What happened? Simple goals, yet so hard to start. I may be like that, or you may be like that somehow. That's my story, and you have your own story to tell. I always remember a famous quotation: "The best thing to get ahead is to get started," and that must be true. It gives us the courage to make a brand-new start. Not to live based on fear and anxiety, but living a life of power and mighty.

When is the right time for it to happen? In the future? When exactly? Well, there's no perfect time but to act now. I've written something about The Power of Now: Being Aware and Present and about the present awareness and consciousness of relevant events in our lives. Similar to our goals, we have to stop chasing perfection and instead enjoy the journey along the way and correct things as it goes... the journey goes on, and setting a goal is just a single step, but getting started is when we get ahead in life beyond our wildest dreams and aspirations.

© 2018 Del Cusay

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year 2018: Beyond The Limits

That was a challenging year, 2017. A roller coaster of unforeseen events and unexpected triumphs, an opportunity that was never lost but continuously on a cycle. When I look back to the previous year, I am still overwhelmed by the circumstances I experienced and feel grateful for what I have achieved. I have learned through the years that when the door closes, a window will certainly be opened for another milestone and breakthrough. 

The year 2017 ended with a positive spirit and gratitude to the Divine while looking forward to a beautiful life for 2018 for myself, my family, my friends, and everyone who has made a significant impact in my life.

To celebrate New Year means celebrating a new life full of hopes and optimism for a brighter future. I always look forward to the brighter side and removing the negativity that may hinder future success. Looking forward doesn't necessarily mean the inability to reflect on past living, where struggles, obstacles, and defeat are inevitable. 

It's always good to look back for self-realization leading to more vital determination. Whatever we have gone through will not change, but we can always learn a lesson for positive change and renewal. Celebrating a New Year is just the start of another challenge to take and hindrances to break. New Year 2016: A New Beginning was a liberation of the mind and grounding back to reality. Attainment of higher consciousness will always be instilled in the mind and will be the guide for a more excellent living beyond the physical plane.

A thousand-mile journey will need a guide, a GPS leading toward a destination. The will can complete the trip no matter how far it may seem. Time will be the barometer of success; we arrive on time, behind the time, or ahead of time. New Year 2017: A Hopeful Journey was about having the faith and perseverance that things will be better ahead of time; another life is waiting and will be something bigger and still significant. Indeed, that was an incredible opportunity, and I will persevere despite my challenges.

The time has come that I don't have to be on the same level of the fight but to understand and find meaning in every challenge encountered. I ended 2017 with a more significant fight of optimism that things would improve and healing would eventually take place for the benefit of the greater whole.

A New Year celebration with the family is always a source of joy, to be reunited and gain positive insights about living. It needs to be fixed from a different perspective when things go wrong. We may have been defeated and put to the test, but we can always reconnect the dots and rewire the broken lines to become whole and complete again. The principle of higher consciousness is beyond our lower emotions and limits. We can always stand up again and face the world with greater heights and a clearer view of the path. 

The road ahead is always about advanced thinking and the ability to see the next episode of life. The year 2018 is welcomed with incredible energy. The light from above will serve as a reminder that things become brighter even in the dark. We can rise up from the challenge and will emerge as a champion —  a winner in life.

© 2018 Del Cusay

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Road Ahead: Move on and Go Further

"A highway of success is only possible with a rocky road. And we always go forward in life no matter the obstacles and challenges we are going through as long as we believe in ourselves and keep our faith not to be stuck, but to keep going further."

Life has been a series of beautiful beginnings. A series of unexpected events, a sudden turn of fate. When the door closes, there will always be a window to open up. Vast and limitless possibilities, offering the best world you have been dreamin', and that window provides a glimpse of a gentle light that's very promising.

The road ahead directed me toward another viewpoint: we can unleash our potential however we can. Though it may be unknown to me, the most challenging thing will always be the beginning. As long as the fire keeps burning, everything will end happily. That's what I know for sure.

Aha! It was exactly 5 months ago when I joined the automotive industry. It was never in my mind, but I trust the guts and fate there for me. As a trained healthcare professional, I have dreamed of working in a medical facility, helping people regain strength, achieve wellness and become a purposeful members of society again. Well, that happened just recently, and that was indeed an experience. There's always a healing power in our hands; we can all heal people. You don't need to become a doctor or a nurse to heal people, as there's always healing energy in compassion and motivation. If that's what you can give, we can create a ripple of goodwill, whoever we are and whatever industry we are in. That's it!

Service to humanity is not confined to a single industry where compassion is much known. The heart is in the soul of our being, and we carry it in any work we do. In our dealings with people, we show mercy through excellent customer service, ensuring the best experience leading to customer satisfaction and retention. In any industry, our job involves delighting our clients with our exceptional services, something that is incomparable that makes them delighted customers. As the Dalai Lama said, "Our goal is to be happy, and to be happy, one has to be compassionate"  So, with that, it is truly our loving nature. This prominent and overflowing heart makes us experience happiness and, ultimately, bliss- a more profound spiritual experience.

There will always be a light that will guide us to the deepest of our souls. A material world that may be less spiritual to many, but a single step towards a thousand miles of a spiritual journey. The material and spiritual worlds co-exist, and resisting this chosen path is hard. 

We are in control of our decisions, but there's a higher soul that will make us realize our worth. We can always choose whom to follow, the ones who will show compassion on our being to discover our most profound dreams and desires to fulfill. I feel the connection, the care, the gratitude, and the sense of pride. 

The culture is lovely and has been created from the foundation of love, respect, and trust for its people. It's not about the company's name or size; it's about making a company significant, even from the most direct contribution worthy of recognition. We can create a culture of unity and not divisiveness. A culture of respect, friendliness, camaraderie, and compassion. That's what we all need to succeed.

I remember the smiles, the happy faces, and the grateful heart in every interaction. I can sense the sincerity and humility to help that no matter how busy we are with our work, we still find time to reach out with our helping hand. It's the people that we're working with that will help us stay alive. No matter how tiring the day may seem, nothing beats the positive energy and enthusiasm that makes us energized and keep motivated. It's the culture that makes a difference. 

As I brave the storm of impossibilities, there will always be a mirror to hold; to look back on past successes, thereby rising up from the challenges. It's never too late to start with a positive spirit fighting for greatness in the little world that I live in, but an expanded consciousness is unlimited, as I have been given. 

There are so many things to realize and discover within ourselves. We can look forward to a brighter future and keep the passion ignited daily. We highly believe in trusting the leader and supporting the company.

The road ahead is uncertain, but we always create our own reality. The roads may be rough for now, but a smooth ride will eventually follow in the days to come as long as we keep moving forward. A highway of success is only possible with a rocky road. And we always go on in life no matter the obstacles and challenges we are going through as long as we believe in ourselves and keep our faith not to be stuck but to keep going further.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Evolution of The Mind: Path Towards Right Consciousness

I was in my mid-20s when I decided to live a different path of human consciousness. It's not an ordinary life where freedom is absolute, but it was a life full of challenges and sacrifices. At first, it was not so easy until I have discovered my capabilities and unique qualities that are beyond the limits. 

I struggled... I endured the pain and I persevered the uncertainties that come my way. During those times I have pondered on the meaning of my existence and my role in service to humanity and the world.

I am blessed with being born from a loving and supportive family. My parents have raised us well and able to send us to a good school to get the right education that eventually gave us a comfortable life. My parents valued the education of their children more than what they have accomplished. For them education is an opportunity to succeed in life; although it may not be a guarantee, still they pushed us to get the education that we wanted. 

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in nursing and became a registered nurse. Back then, I was fully supported by my family for what I would become -- to live my life as a nurse. Perhaps I would have become a bedside nurse abroad and live a more comfortable life just like other Filipino nurses that are enjoying the greener pasture. But those were just a missed opportunity and a fantasy to my vivid imaginations. I did not become a  nurse and I remain to live in my country. It was a failure since the goal was not hit and it diverted my attention to other things that can satisfy my senses and provoke my creative imagination. I started to think and asked questions about the future. What do I want? What will I become?  I needed a rescue out of the blue. Clueless about the future, I couldn't think but act like a happy-go-lucky; no destination ... nothing to see. It was dark and I needed a guiding light.

The Mid 20s is when I started to rewire my inner dialogue. Connecting the missing link helped me to regain my life for the greater opportunity. That was the time I entered an ashram. A school of initiation for higher consciousness. I developed some intelligence that is not attained by ordinary people not devoted to the spiritual journey. It was in the ashram that I learned to become a trainer and a public speaker. I decided to improve my skills both intrapersonal and interpersonal and it led to a magical journey -- I couldn't believe the things that I am capable of doing. I envision being the best version of myself, upgraded my skills and learned to decipher reality from obsolete beliefs. The learning was truly indispensable and that made me who I am today -- renewed and transformed. 

To evolve in consciousness is to change self-limiting beliefs and habits that don't give meaning to higher existence -- universal service through spirituality. I meditated, chanted, and used a special mantra to achieve a sense of contentment and bliss. It changed my personality and reached a certain level of maturity through service. It was then I have learned to appreciate the tagline "Live Your Greatest Life." I thought living a good life is just enough, but then to live one's life to the fullest is more meaningful and substantial -- truly a spiritual bliss. Then, going beyond esoteric practice is "Serving Humanity and The World." It was the ultimate realization and fulfillment of my goals. I discovered to unleash my hidden potentials and increased my self-worth. I became firm with my philosophies and elevated my personality to connect with stronger souls. If I didn't, then I wouldn't survive from the start. My inner compass would have directed me towards the path. 

I traveled and lived in India for more than a year and reached out to different groups. I became one with the people. I dressed up and maybe started to sound like them too. I met various groups; from the elite families and well-known personalities down to the grassroots level of the society. The experience gave me serenity and sense of purpose. I gained wisdom from eastern philosophies with an integration of western practicality and that contributed to confidence in exoteric teachings. In India, I taught different subjects that are mostly of spiritual origin. It was very fulfilling and memorable. My greatest achievement would have been the construction of the "Third Eye" which is spiritually guided. It was then I felt the Divine guidance that intervened in my being. 

I feel empowered and did extraordinary things. My life back then may not be a common path to some, but being enlightened to some degree gave me a better perspective about the kind of life that one must live. Service to humanity is truly a benchmark of man's existence. Service to improve their lives and for them to search for a brighter meaning of their so-called 'dharma' or soul purpose. 

It was in India that I became a master of my own thinking. I challenge my own self based on my choices and persuade others for what they believe in that's not aligned with the universal truth revealed in the ashram.


How could I thrive years of service when I started to bring back my old self? I strive to become better, yet couldn't see the light. Perhaps I challenged myself, even more, then I realize that service to humanity is everywhere; in the community where we live or in a place where lives have brought us. Wherever we go is the place to leave a legacy. Maybe unknown to many, but popular to those whom we have touched lives. Our own 'dharma' is the legacy that is inherent to us. We may be wrong with our choices at times, but we can always choose to regain ourselves and become wiser and live a better life. We have been ridiculed, but our principles could help us to hit our target. There may be times when we no longer tune in to lower vibrations, yet we thrive to live an extraordinary life just like the old days -- deeper soul connection. 

Now that everything has changed, I am still evolving towards the right path. I am still uncertain about the future, but with the evolution and integration of Divine energies, nothing can be greater than our renewed self. We continue to develop and we keep the spark to give some illumination to others. 

Our evolution will be for a lifetime and when the time comes that we need to look back to assess our old versions, then we can say that 'I did my best and now the path that I am taking is the path towards the right consciousness -- not from a selected group, but a universal consciousness that everyone deserves. 

©  Del Cusay

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year 2017: A Hopeful Journey

"Starting the year right would mean doing what I believe would truly work based on previous experiences. Doing the right thing with the right mindset, virtues, and spiritual beliefs are essential to living."

The year 2016 ended with endearing challenges. Some setbacks created emotional struggle and solitude. Though not a pleasant year, I remained optimistic and in control of my reality and destiny. A few years ago, in 2009, I started believing in the power of the 'Law of Attraction,' which attracts magical experiences and magnificent results in my life. I've manifested some thought forms, and it's a potent tool to use when being hopeful of your fate and destiny. Since then, the manifestation of dreams and desires have been effortless. I couldn't imagine at first how I have achieved such tremendous energy that has changed my life. I am a living reality of 'you are what you think, and I have made things possible -- through the power of the Law of attraction.

This 2017, nothing has changed with my beliefs in the power of this universe. For years, the Law of attraction will still guide me about excellent living, like my spiritual or religious beliefs. Not all of our desires were made possible; however, with deeper faith and perseverance, they will be achieved in due time and in God's perfect time. 

The Law of universal timing is what I learned a few years back, and it has brought a powerful effect on our lives. It served as our guide in business, career, and life.

Starting the year right would mean doing what I believe would work based on previous experiences. Doing the right thing with the right mindset, virtues, and spiritual beliefs are essential to living. The goals I would set for this year are the thoughts I may have for years that have not manifested yet, but I still trust that the universe will conspire to make it a reality. We are destined to achieve everlasting happiness and bliss and can become a blessing to others in some ways within or beyond our capacity.

Mysterious energy would surround and guide our being to renew and relive a meaningful existence. We are bestowed with extraordinary powers to manifest our dreams and goals. This year will be a journey towards challenging tasks ahead and a rewarding fate and destinations our heart desires.

This year 2017, is about being hopeful of unimaginable things. I still believe in magic. That's an incredible experience worth achieving. I will be guided internally by my will and instincts of right and wrong and lead a better life away from distractions, false beliefs, and bad luck. To myself, my family, relatives, and everyone close to my heart is what I desire to be shielded by a defense of more vital energy.

 A balanced lifestyle, free from harm and full of optimism, would dispel the negative energy of manifestation. If God allows, balancing health at all levels and an affluent disposition is an ultimate dream. The list would be longer, and acquiring it all requires tremendous energy. A great year is not about the winning moments but the power to stand every time we fall. The battle continues, and an incredible journey lies on a strong will, a grateful heart, and a powerful spirit.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year 2016: A New Beginning

What an incredible year 2015. This might be the most straightforward statement of what I've been through for the previous year. There were ups and downs, but still able to conquer challenges and reach another milestone in life. 2015 brought me to another chapter of extraordinary living where I stretched myself beyond my limits.

It was a fascinating journey when I've been to places where my thoughts brought me. It was indeed a law of attraction that works whenever I need it. Years ago, when I started to believe that we become what we think, I learned to practice and incorporate it regularly to achieve whatever goals I desire. 

If I have done it before, I could attract things that will work for me. This year I have accomplished several goals while others are in the process and turning them into a reality. Life has never become as magical as it may seem, but with creativity and passion, there has been an unimaginable turning point. 

Some tough decisions would have changed circumstances, yet it was something fulfilling. For a long time in service, now is the time for a new adventure with awesome people full of energy and confidence in reaching a certain level of success. 

The previous chapter has always been challenging, hence full of challenges that made me a better person. I've been polished like a gem -- a precious one that illuminates and sparkles. It is a product of enlightenment to a certain level and my deepest gratitude to the master of life that I once knew. 

Everything learned will always be carried over to the next chapter, and then it goes on. Everything has significance and will be of merit when done with honor and dignity. Being grateful for past success will help create more abundance and blessings, which is what I know for sure. 

However, it's only sometimes about the peak of happiness and success. There may have been untoward circumstances beyond our control, and that teaches us a lesson to be resilient and move forward. Life may throw a hard rock, but it can become a polished and refined stone after that, depending on how we deal with things and accept the challenges. 

It's genuinely fantastic to face obstacles toward success. It takes passion, courage, and desire to make it. Along the way are rough roads and intersections that will eventually lead in the right direction. It may seem like a very challenging year take, but with perseverance, I surpass the trials that will launch a newer, more extraordinary version. 

© 2015 Del Cusay

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Road Ahead: Dealing with Life's Uncertainties

"The present moment is where life has taken you out of your wildest dreams and desires. When you stop, you lose the battle, and when you go forward, the road will take you a further distance in the least expected moment."

Once upon a time, a young man dreamed of a better life, of having the best things and moments that life could bring. These dreams serve as an inner fire to make them into reality. A young man who is nothing but full of determination and optimism. Now, what would his life become amidst all uncertainties ahead of him? When his life gets tough and when he has nothing more to do but believe that there is something that could increase the fire within.

We all have our desires to achieve. No matter what it is, we are still given the passion for living it. All our success is related to the amount of strength we put into it. The greater the force equals, the greater distance. When life gets uncertain, there may be some doubts. The evil within sabotages the desire  the commitment towards excellence. There are moments of feeling incomplete. The fire is getting less, and there's a time you notice that it is already gone.

Whatever makes us burn out, the universe has its way of rescuing the lost soul. The moment you wake up when everyone seems out of sight, they may be gone and have their own soulful journey to fight. Then you realize that life is indeed unpredictable — full of uncertainties. Nothing is truly permanent, and there may have been changes in the Divine plan. Everything has an end, but we can expect some changes at the crossroads that will make or break. The road ahead has many intersections that may not serve our real purpose. If tempted by wrong perceptions and false beliefs, it could lead to bad choices and decisions. However, the fire within could have been ignited slowly as it burns the fuel of success and fulfillment — our heart's desire.

No matter the distance we are taking, there could have been some breaks and barriers at the crossroads. The moment you stop for a while is not a reason to quit but to persevere and look back on how far you may have gone in life. The present moment is where life has taken you out of your wildest dreams and desires. When you stop, you lose the battle; when you go forward, the road will take you further in the least expected moment.

People may change, and circumstances may be painful, but they have impacted your life and contributed to your being. They may have been the key to rediscovering the inner fire and tapping the highest power for ultimate success and fulfillment. When the time comes that you are defended for your beliefs and philosophies, you are not alone along the journey. They push you harder not to be like them but to follow your path and realize your potential.

Obstacles may arise, but the inner compass will lead you toward the destination. When you have reached where you are, there's a reason to commit to going farther and believing in yourself so that you can make it possible.

Once upon a time when the young man was nothing but a dreamer, he now takes the courage to live his most extraordinary life despite the odds and uncertainties. The commitment and endurance will continue to ignite, and the soulful journey will reign in his heart forever.

© Del Cusay 2015

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Moving Forward and Awakening the Power Within

If you have a talent and ability in something, you must learn to share it for others to emulate and be inspired by your ways. Inherent talent can launch you into something in the distant future if you just realize your potential and the awakened power of your soul. 

In our society, how many have natural talents and skills to offer and contribute to the betterment of the people? Who can speak up and start the actual change? We may have a lot of potential talents, including you. 

In a material world with greed and lust for money, people lose trust in some of our leaders entrusted to deliver basic needs and services. Someone must arise to offer help to the people, and you can do your share by tapping into your own powers. Just like Mother Teresa of Kolkata once said,  Mother Teresa of Kolkata said that we should not just wait for leaders, but we can do it individually. 

You will notice that our societies are becoming sick and need to be healed from corruption, conflicts, wars between countries, and even the calamities that the world experiences, natural or man-made. We have experienced many catastrophes due to global warming; droughts resulting in famine and strong typhoons/ hurricanes that strike at any time and place are becoming everyday occurrences. 

There is still a chance to renew and build up to something good. If the foundation seems weak, it is time to correct it and build a stronger one. We have been stuck for a long time due to our psychological traumas and insecurities; we dealt with fears and phobias that could be real enough for us not to move forward.

We are all suffering from the ill effects of our actions, and there is a destruction phase for us to realize our faults and begin a wiser life with a sense of satisfaction and gratitude.

Life purpose: why on earth are you here for

Back to our real-life purpose, it is not to achieve personal satisfaction alone or your deepest desires, but it is your commitment to serve with your big heart and good intentions. Whatever profession and passion you may have, it does help your dharma or life purpose, and you can even go beyond by reaching and touching their hearts to a higher level.

When you become closer to people who need help, you will realize the goodness of your soul and the greatness of your spirit to bring significant change to society. Reaching out to people is a good way of uplifting their conditions, and it will create a ripple effect of goodwill as they start to stand up on their own and begin the transformation in their lives. 

© 2014 Del Cusay

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Road Ahead: The Rising Challenges Along The Way

"Time to heal and to start another chapter of a more meaningful life. A life that gives us second chances and letting go. A life that gives unlimited potential and opportunities for growth. There will be challenges along the way; however, it is indispensable to keep our flow and live life in harmony and with a sense of fulfillment."

That was a long break, and now back to writing again. It's been several months of untold memorable stories and events that would have been special and worth remembering through writing. Sometimes in our lives, we slow down and need much inspiration and will to do something we love. Inspiration comes anytime, and the will to do things is the most important. 

Action is necessary to get things done, and no matter how hard we try in the planning phase, we still get stuck- and remain stationary. We do things with much gratitude for starting into something, but in the process, we also encounter the signal to slow down until we are out of sight. It's not that we lose, but we're starting to get back on track and regain things missed. 

Writing on the 2nd quarter of the year would be nice to reflect on the latest journey that keeps me alive. One of the most favorable times of the year is summer; although hot and humid, we still endure and continue to have fun and experience this wonderful season of the year--the preservation phase. 

There may have been down moments this season, but they have enough will to rise again. Life has become more challenging as we move along in another milestone of a not-so-distant future. After all, we have proven to ourselves how resilient we are and keep moving on when the road seems rough. We learn best through experience, and it keeps us more vital than ever, no matter how hard it may seem. 

Some of the most beautiful moments this summer were when I got the chance to travel with family and friends. Enjoying precious time with loved ones is incomparable and something to cherish and worth reminiscing about. 

Traveling and exploring places would nourish my mind and body as I meditate in different areas, from the calm and turquoise water of Guimaras Island to the green and relaxing ambiance at the foothill of Mt. Arayat-- such a pleasant surprise.

Not so far from Manila, there could have been a better escape from the hustle and bustle of city living for Lenten's reflection. From the glorious Christ, the Redeemer in Monasterio de Tarlac, going to the mountainous and highly spiritual place in  Lucban, Quezon. These places do not offer such overrated experiences, but the memories are worthwhile and will remain in our hearts. 

Time to heal and start another chapter of a more meaningful life. A life that gives us second chances and letting go. A life that offers unlimited potential and opportunities for growth. There will be challenges along the way; however, in the end, keeping our flow and living life in harmony and with a sense of fulfillment is indispensable. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year 2013: Blissful Journey, Greatest Love and Thanksgiving

"May this year be a more fun and joyful journey. There will be some places to explore, wonderful people to meet, and exciting adventures to experience. Life is worth living, and there's always a way to celebrate." 

2012 has brought so many good memories that I will forever cherish. Those memories are my learning experience that will benefit my growth and well-being. Though there were moments of despair, life must still go on and be able to rise up and take control. 

The previous year has been full of challenges, and I am grateful I've conquered those things. It may be hard to think, but the result seems lovely and rewarding. Life in 2012 was challenging as I encountered numerous obstacles along the journey. I have made it, conquered my fear, and survived the challenges.

Looking back at my 2012 new year celebration, I've written "My Goals and Wishes for 2012" (click to read). After the weekly reflection, I have compiled a list of things I wish for 2012. I've written it in a peaceful, serene environment in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. The place is perfect for meditation as it is quiet and can concentrate in a deep meditative state. 

I'm grateful for accomplishing my 'goals and wishes' for 2012. I wanted to be more clear and specific about my goals beyond my personal desires. Some were attainable; some have been granted, and some are still in the process. 

For this year, 2013, my goals and wishes are just the same as the previous year, but I just want to be more specific.  I have come up with the list below:

Family - to be free from harm, conflict, and illness.

Health - to be more physically fit and active. 

Career - to be more responsible and produce results.

Lifestyle - to be more balanced in personal and social living. 

Personal Development - to acquire virtues and values for growth and transformation. 

May this year be a more fun and joyful journey. There will be some places to explore, wonderful people to meet, and exciting adventures to experience. Life is worth living, and there's always a way to celebrate. 

Success is not a destination, but it is in the process of achieving the goal. More important is the ultimate fulfillment of desires--it is forever in my heart and mind. 

A blessed year 2013!

© 2013 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year 2012: Faraway Journey, Greater Service and Breakthrough to Success

"In the material world that we live in, where the outer symbol of success fades and eventually will be gone, it would be good to ponder on the realization of our highest service to give to God, ourselves...our family.. our country, and the world at large."

The start of the year has been full of optimistic hope, optimism, and enthusiasm, as I have celebrated it with joy and gratitude. This is the best time to set goals and wishes for the year.

As I celebrate the new year, questions pop into my mind, such as how to keep up with the momentum through the year and make these things possible and achievable.

This time, I have learned to be clear on what I want and not to focus on what I don't want. What do I want to acquire? What are my desires and hopes? What do I want to experience and learn? And what do I want to become?

Some of my goals were not attained because I was not clear about what I wanted, so I ended up losing the inspiration and hope and having it replaced with doubts when I saw it was impossiblethen came to the list of unaccomplished and unattainable goals.

This day marks the first week of 2012, and it was a good week to start the year. Doing physical activities like walking, jogging, and some exercises at the park was fun. I enjoy the revitalizing and invigorating effects.

I have done a 20-minute meditation daily for this first week of the year. It was an excellent opportunity to reflect on my wishes and goals for this year and enjoy the place's serenity and peaceful ambiance. It was a perfect place to meditate as I bear the tolerable coldness of the weather.

As I meditated, I closed my eyes and could hear nothing but birds chirping, the cold breeze of the wind, the people passing quietly along with my meditation space, and the shouts of the teens playing cricket at a far distance.

Those external sounds do not bother me anymore. At least, it did not make me more space out. The internal voice from within dominates the most. This sound is more precious, giving more time to reflect deeply while whispering sacred chants silently.



My beloved country of birth, I pray, will be spared by significant destruction, such as calamities that cause loss of lives and properties, and worst is living a life of post-traumatic depression and loss of self-worth.

Being a "Pacific Islander" would expect to have been visited by typhoons, and a country in a "Pacific Ring of Fire" would have numerous earthquakes. We have our share of devastating calamities that the world experiences. The reality is that we can not escape but can ease these tragedies' effects.

One of the good traits of being a Filipino is the "Bayanihan Spirit," a Filipino term that denotes a helping hand. Hoping that we will continue to be inspired to help people in any way possible.


Hoping that the country will be able to survive any recession or financial crisis that may hit the region or the world. Although the past administration has done it well, hoping that the present administration will be able to do their part for the betterment of the country and its people.

Hoping that more local and foreign investors will come to establish a business to generate more jobs for Filipinos. Jobs for every Filipino means food to feed their families and to alleviate hunger and poverty.


Hoping that peace will be attained. No conflicts... no terrorism... no wars. The past year seems full of outrage and a fight against their government that created global concern. It brought massive destruction to innocent civilians; loss of homes, properties, and lives.

Hoping that this world will be a safer place for people to live into be able to walk on the streets safely by day and night, to be able to commute on bus and train without the thoughts of the presence of any explosive substances inside; to be able to enjoy shopping at the mall without the idea of the bombing (as the case in the Philippines) and so on...

May poverty alleviation be strengthened by those in political power to end the world of hunger, famine, and suffering?

We live in a chaotic world of uncertainties and suffering, so we need more incarnations of Anna Hazare, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi. The selfless acts they have sacrificed for the welfare of humanity will be remembered and remain in our hearts eternally.


My personal goal for this year is not a short-term or long-term goal. What matters is clarity and attainability. I just wish for a balanced and successful life with a focus on my...

Health - to become more balanced in all fitness levelsphysical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Family - to become stronger despite the problems, better health, and attain more prosperity.

Career - to continue to be a representation of the "BE Life" slogan - "Live Your Greatest Life" and to be able to touch as many lives as possible along with the foundation's commitment to "Serving Humanity and the World."

Personal relationship -
harmonize with my family, colleagues, and friends.

Personal growth - to learn something new and valuable; gain new insights from seminars/workshops, training, and inspiring books.

Making a difference - to continue doing something good and inspiring others to do the same. I will participate actively in various activities that are intended for the benefit of a particular person or group.


I would challenge myself to push on its limit. Sometimes, it feels good to do extraordinary things like public speaking or conduct and speak for a seminar/workshop. It might be frightening, but the end result is more rewarding.

It is nice to achieve something impossible, but things become possible only until it is done. There are things to accomplish for this year if I focus on it and with the support of the people who believe in me.

In the long run, what is essential is not the outcome of the fulfillment of my goals and dreams but who I become in the process with the ultimate goal of living a better life.


My goal for this year may impact other people who share the same desires and idealism. As I write this goal list and commit to a bigger dream, I may soon come up with big ideas to make these things happen. I hope to attract the right people and opportunities to achieve my goal.


Ultimately success does not come overnight but involves small daily actions that accumulate in time towards realizing and achieving the most cherished dreams. I have to ask myself, "What should I do today that will help me towards the aspiration and achievement of my dreams?"—a question that needs daily answers and action.


We must live with a purpose and continue to discover and understand it. You have a sense, and I have mine too... so in the material world that we live in, where the outward symbol of success fades and eventually will be gone, it would be good to ponder on the realization of our highest service to give to God...our self...our family.. our country and the world at large.

A prosperous year ahead!

© 2012 Del Cusay