Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Nazareno 2013: Celebrating the Feast of the Black Nazarene

"Our personal devotion reminds us to be positive and to go on with our lives; improve and make it better; serve others; love unconditionally, and become a guiding light."

The image of the Black Nazarene is known to many Filipinos to be miraculous and a symbol of faith. Thousands of devotees gather on its feast day every 9th of January to celebrate and show their piety and devotion before the holy image. 

The Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene is the place of "Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno" in Spanish or "Our Father Jesus the Nazarene" in English and in the Filipino Language called "Mahal na Poong Nazareno." It is considered one of the most venerated holy images of Christ Jesus in the Philippines. Spanish Authorities brought it to Manila via Mexico during its occupation.

Since then, there have been various theories regarding the color of the image, which is unique and black. Though there is no official story about how it got its color, the idea has attracted millions of Filipinos not mainly because of its uniqueness but because of the personal spiritual experiences of the devotees.

Many people have shared their testimonials about answered prayers and special intentions, and that's how the church became a popular pilgrimage site among Filipino Christians. Throughout the years, people may change, and almost everything in its surroundings may have changed, but the image remains the icon of faith to devoted Filipino Christians.

It was just a few years ago when I was in the Black Nazarene shrine. Several times, I have celebrated the mass and have venerated before the holy image of the Black Nazarene on Friday. I have made petitions or special requests that have been granted, which is a blessing from God. 

On this day, I got the chance to visit Quiapo church and celebrate the feast of the Black Nazarene for the first time. Light rain showered upon us while entering the church, but it was still a blessing.  It was a tremendous devotional experience as I strengthened my faith and expressed my spiritual vow.

There's a long procession of the replica of the Black Nazarene around the streets of Manila, and it is flocked by more than a million devotees who tried to reach out to the divine image. Unique clothes with a printed image of the Nazarene are rubbed in the image, which is believed to bring a miracle or a blessing. I have never seen it personally, but I want to witness the scenario even once in a lifetime. 

The significance of this event is not just a religious obligation but becoming more Christ-centered. To express and receive love, to show compassion and empathy, to remove doubts and fear, and to strengthen our faith despite the challenges in everyday living. 

Our devotion reminds us to be positive and continue our lives; improve and make them better; serve others; love unconditionally; and become a guiding light.

© 2013 Del Cusay

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year 2013: Blissful Journey, Greatest Love and Thanksgiving

"May this year be a more fun and joyful journey. There will be some places to explore, wonderful people to meet, and exciting adventures to experience. Life is worth living, and there's always a way to celebrate." 

2012 has brought so many good memories that I will forever cherish. Those memories are my learning experience that will benefit my growth and well-being. Though there were moments of despair, life must still go on and be able to rise up and take control. 

The previous year has been full of challenges, and I am grateful I've conquered those things. It may be hard to think, but the result seems lovely and rewarding. Life in 2012 was challenging as I encountered numerous obstacles along the journey. I have made it, conquered my fear, and survived the challenges.

Looking back at my 2012 new year celebration, I've written "My Goals and Wishes for 2012" (click to read). After the weekly reflection, I have compiled a list of things I wish for 2012. I've written it in a peaceful, serene environment in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. The place is perfect for meditation as it is quiet and can concentrate in a deep meditative state. 

I'm grateful for accomplishing my 'goals and wishes' for 2012. I wanted to be more clear and specific about my goals beyond my personal desires. Some were attainable; some have been granted, and some are still in the process. 

For this year, 2013, my goals and wishes are just the same as the previous year, but I just want to be more specific.  I have come up with the list below:

Family - to be free from harm, conflict, and illness.

Health - to be more physically fit and active. 

Career - to be more responsible and produce results.

Lifestyle - to be more balanced in personal and social living. 

Personal Development - to acquire virtues and values for growth and transformation. 

May this year be a more fun and joyful journey. There will be some places to explore, wonderful people to meet, and exciting adventures to experience. Life is worth living, and there's always a way to celebrate. 

Success is not a destination, but it is in the process of achieving the goal. More important is the ultimate fulfillment of desires--it is forever in my heart and mind. 

A blessed year 2013!

© 2013 Del Cusay

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas in Our Hearts 2012: A Joyous Journey

"Christmas is all about remembering Jesus Christ and celebrating his presence in us. He is our guiding light, the way to the right path, and our greatest hope.  May we live the spirit of Christmas in our hearts, lead us towards a joyous journey, and  brings us joy, love, and everlasting peace."

Here comes the most beautiful season of the year--Christmas. This time of the year, I feel joyful and more blessed. The season where I can express my gratitude by giving thanks to the Lord Christ for a year that is abundant and meaningful.

This Christmas is the time to give, share, to express our loving spirit. It may not be through material presents, but the kind thought of giving good wishes and blessings to others provides more sense of fulfillment.

I am always fascinated by how people worldwide celebrate Christmas regardless of culture, religion, or spiritual affiliations. Through this recognition, the world feels united in Christ's loving spirit. 

What symbolizes Christmas in modern times is the presence of colorful and bright lights around, like Christ, who guides humanity towards a more promising path and illumines life. During this season, many families are amused by the decorations that they have made on their Christmas trees. The symbol of hope, a brighter and prosperous life.

Although I missed celebrating the previous Christmas in my home country with my family, I still feel connected and inspired to make the yuletide season festive and gleeful. It was indeed an excellent opportunity to have a glimpse of Christmas in a different culture. Hence, I have written my thoughts about last Christmas in Our Hearts (click to read).

Now that I am back home, nothing compares to the Christmas celebration with my family. Knowing how everyone is doing, and their state of being is good. Being genuinely connected and receiving blessings from them is a good feeling.

On Christmas Eve, I enjoy having a simple gathering with my family. The night party is full of excitement for everyone, especially the little kids. Exchange of gifts is usually part of this event, and it feels good to have given and received presents, simple acts of kindness yet memorable.

I feel blessed to have attended the Eucharistic celebration with my family, also popularly known as the "Misa de Gallo"- a well-celebrated and preserved tradition. This is a 'holy night' when Christ was born and is considered the greatest gift to humanity. 

Following the mass is the family gathering known as the "Noche Buena" or Good Night. It is great to share a sumptuous meal and some fun and laughter. This is a yearly tradition that we have been observing since this serves as a thanksgiving for the blessings of the current year and to wait a better year ahead.

Christmas is all about remembering Jesus Christ and celebrating his presence in us. He is our guiding light, the way to the right path, and our greatest hope.  May we live the spirit of Christmas in our hearts, lead us towards a joyous journey, and brings us joy, love, and everlasting peace.

© 2012 Del Cusay