A long narrow road where darkness invades is where you can see a pilgrim who has nothing to see but total darkness. Illumined by a Divine light where the darkness is expelled, struggling with emptiness for the faded goodness.
This year's Holy Week is another journey of struggles and misery for every faithful who wants to see and feel the full illumination from within. The Divine light that showers us to empower our being also empowers us to dispel the negativity of the soul trapped in sorrowful darkness. Licensed by the guiding light to strengthen the spirit to become whole is to share the illumination with others as an obligation to follow. He is "the way, the truth, and the life" no one should contradict, but accept with grace and light.
Another chapter of life in a less-known land is a pilgrim who stands up, regaining the bravery of the soul. Pulled down by its own negativity and weakness of the spirit, but guided by a little spark that ignites the soul is not limited. I am lost along the way. Should I trust the instinct that comes my way? Lord, save me from disgrace and lift me with your loving grace.
This Jubilee Year of Mercy is to acknowledge the compassionate, merciful, and ever-mighty spirit that will renew the faith of a lost Pilgrim. The Holy Door is the portal of entry for examining the faith and strengthening the weakened soul. Blessed by the Holiness who touches my spirit; forever be loved and the message of love to live forever and be it.
Along the road is a Pilgrim who ignites the fire. At times loses from darkness but is still able to recover the light. The struggle of an illumined soul to resist the temptation of the dark. Cast away the evil, and preserve the purity of the heart. Guide us, oh Lord, when we are tempted by false beliefs; you are our savior; protect us from defeat.
As the Risen Lord gives us hope, may we live with Him in our journey along the road, with footprints in the sand, leaving the negativity and cleansing the spirit. It is our ultimate glory to live an eternal life without the limit.
© 2016 Del Cusay