Monday, November 5, 2012

Reminiscence of the Glorious Times

"Looking back through the years, a lot has changed, and it is for the better. There is a bright light in more days to come. It is a good start of creating the life that is envisioned and not just imagined." 

Several moments in our lives have been experienced that brought life lessons. There were moments of joy and sorrow, perseverance and despair, struggles and survival, yet all these have tremendously impacted our well-being.

No matter what life brings, embracing and learning from it is still necessary. Nothing in life is absolute liberty from misery and discomfort. Thus, I have written about 'Perseverance in Times of Despair.' It is an insight into how life struggles can be taken as a challenge and not a hindrance.

I remember how many times I failed in whatever endeavor, but failure is not an obstacle to achieving my most cherished hopes and dreams. In my post entitled 'How Failure Turned Into Success,' I have shared my lesson that failure is part of winning and not bad at all. Failure is like fuel that helps to ignite and sparkle. If viewed positively, it is a blessing in disguise and can lead to ultimate success.

I have learned that life can be challenging at times, and to take full responsibility for uncertainties, there is a need for 'Getting Way Ahead of Life's Adversities.' If we have experienced unpleasant events, we can better prepare and be alert the next time the same misfortune happens. This time we have the wisdom and the power to deal with it better the second time.

Through all these years, I always believe that there is an infinite power within that is subtle and untapped. If we are 'Reaching Our Highest Potential,' we can do the things we once thought impossible. We are now becoming what we believe and can do almost everything we desire if we focus on it.

Whatever life may present us, it is a must to have a sense of gratitude. Life flows with positive energy if we are 'Cultivating Gratitude for Success.' Fulfillment in life comes from being generous with what you have to offer that creates a difference. Gratitude can open the door for opportunities that can also lead to success.

Today, I am joyful and grateful as I reflect and reminisce about when I started to write for this blog, which I considered an online journal. I wrote the same time as the previous year when I conceptualized how my blog would appear to the web and the readers. The same place where I used to write my first blog post about 'The Power of Meditation' and how it has changed my life's perspective and ideals. The exact time and place of the year, yet different emotions experienced. 

Today marks the first year of my blogging. This is more than a hobby. Hence I call it passion. More than speaking is the joy felt when everything is put into writing. It is there and will continue to exist and evolve. I will continue to write as long as I am inspired. Someone may relate to it; others may have shared the same fate, and you may have learned from it.

Looking back through the years, a lot has changed, and it is for the better. There is a bright light in more days to come. It is an excellent start to creating a life that is envisioned and not just imagined. 

© 2012 Del Cusay

Sunday, October 21, 2012

There is Certain Holiness in You

"It takes courage, perseverance, and sacrifice for life to become a saint, and the purity of the heart and Godly actions to become holy. You will neither become a saint nor holy. As long as you follow your life's purpose in good ways, you may not become a saint, but you are closer to becoming holy. "

What does it take to become a saint? How can you become holy? In today's modern era, people have experienced a drastic change in their way of living. To live is becoming more comfortable and convenient with the advent of rapid technological advancement. In some ways, this could mean progress, and the other way could be destruction--the good and the harmful effects of what life has to offer.

Advanced civilization has changed how people think and act. It has altered certain behaviors and values that were once good in nature. People have been so cruel, mean, and greedy. Understanding became confusion; peace turned into war; openness became selfishness, and love turned hatred.

However, no matter how bad people will become, particular goodness is left in his heart. People sometimes are challenging yet gentle. Some could be mean yet straightforward. Others could be cruel yet compassionate. There is particular goodness hidden in whatever dark side that people carry. 

Everything that happens can be understood better if you know both the bad and the good. Sometimes, you need to experience how it feels to become destructive so you appreciate the goodness in others. You need to do bad things to gauge how good you truly become. Only then do you distinguish which is better--the bad or the good.

We are commanded to do things by what is good and avoid the bad ones. But our world may be full of negativity that will test our faith. Some invisible forces will challenge you to your limits. It may be hard to escape, but to take it and live it.

Is it possible for bad people to become holy in the end? Is holiness only for the good ones? Can you become a saint if you've committed terrible evil deeds? Well, why not? Biblical history would tell that the famous saints we venerate today were once sinners. They may have been cruel and unloving in their past, but they have made significant changes and transformations. They had the power to change who they were and became holy later. They mastered the purity of their heart and spiritual service. In the end, the goodness in them prevailed.

Just like us, we can't be good all the time. It is human nature to commit mistakes and become bad occasionally. There is no such thing as an absolute human being, but only a divine being does have. Even the newly canonized saints did not live their lives in absolute good. They have been wrong even before attaining the ultimate spiritual enlightenment.

There is no need to worry if you become bad as long as you do your best to improve yourself. Your life is not your past. Your past does not define your future. Your future will depend on what you do to the present. 

Not everyone will become a saint since it is only for the chosen ones. No matter what good things you've done for humanity, there is no assurance that you will become a canonized saint. There is certain holiness in your being. Your goal is not to become a saint but to live Christ-like lives.

It takes courage, perseverance, and sacrifices for life to become a saint and the purity of the heart and Godly actions to become holy. You will neither become a saint nor holy. As long as you follow your life's purpose in good ways, you may not become a saint, but you are closer to becoming holy. 

© 2012 Del Cusay

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Social Commentary: Why Can't We Speak?

"In the modern world that we live in, we are no longer voiceless but empowered citizens. People know its limitations and morality. People know when to become expressive and when to be quiet. So whatever happened to our freedom of expression?"

Social media plays a vital role as a means of communication. It has become part of our lives, and we are now becoming more interactive and aware of whatever is happening around us, not only to our family and friends but also to our favorite celebrities and favorite brands, and to be mindful of the latest global and local news and current events.

Social Media is now a trend and the newest tool for people empowerment. Many significant events in current world history are influenced by the active participation of netizens or online citizens, who share their voices silently but powerfully over the web. 

The downfall of dictators in some Arab countries is brought by a massive demonstration by netizens who triggered the sharing of information about how their freedom has been oppressed for so many years since their government directly controlled the internet. They can't speak against their leaders. They can't express their wishes and desires for change. They have lived their lives in hopelessness and misery.

With the advent of social media, some countries are still restricting the social media access of their citizens. However, it has been declared by the United Nations that internet access, in general, is a fundamental human right. Their leaders still need to be more resistant to change. Aren't they?

We are now globally connected through this impressive technological breakthrough mankind has produced. However, why shouldn't we utilize this tool for the common good and intense globalization? Is there something to hide? Is there something to be afraid of? 

In a country where cybercrime law is taking effect, I can't imagine how people are being robbed of their freedom of expression. In a country where democracy rules, I can't believe the media and the citizens are dictated to what to say and what must be censored.

The power of the country lies in its citizens. Therefore there is a need to respect and hear the people's voices. Our people are hungry for change and the truth. Our people need a heart of a leader who takes the time to listen. We're tired of speeches, tired of false promises, and tired of insincerity in public leadership.

Let our people rule and let them be free to express their thoughts on the current events that our nation or the world is facing. After all, people deserve better services than their country has to offer. The people choose their leaders, and the leaders must listen to their people.

In the modern world that we live in, we no longer have to be voiceless but empowered and informed citizens. People know its limitations and morality. People know when to become expressive and when to be reserved. So whatever happened to freedom of expression?

Online censorship and media harassment happen in many countries, it may happen to other nations, and now our time has arrived and may become worst in the years to come. This shouldn't happen. Let the people speak their minds freely in a just manner. Let the media be the public's eye and ears in delivering the truth. 

Could we have responsible freedom of expression? Can't I express my disappointment about our own government and leaders? Will our own government try to shut down the press and the dedicated press people?  Will my own government suppress my public opinion? In today's time, why is it hard to speak? 

© 2012 Del Cusay

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Social Commentary: A Violent God in Our Time

"I believe that God is perfect, but what the world can see is a violent God? The answer lies in your own interpretation of events and personal beliefs. Listen to your inner voice and get enlightened."

It was just recently when the news about the Libya rebellion took place. It was a violent protest and massive assault that resulted in vandalism, injuries, and the loss of lives. This is almost the same thing that happened a few months ago when Libyan leader Gaddafi was captured and killed by his own people. However, that was a more violent event in the country's history.

Violence happens worldwide, and history tells how rampant and cruel these events are and end in a bad fate; destroying human dignity, censoring freedom of expression, distorting peace, and controlling the populace.

People would always fight for freedom. Who doesn't want to express thoughts and sentiments freely? It is human nature to defend oneself if attacked... protect oneself if assaulted... fight for life if in danger. You always have a choice that's based on instincts. You are not expected to be quiet in times of rage. You are supposed to speak with your mind and protect your dignity.

Why is it that the world is constantly being shocked by Muslims? Why is it that Muslims always spread terrorism? Why are Muslims always wanted to kill and enjoy being a headline of world news? These may sound stereotypical, but isn't it that a particular behavior of an individual or a group is considered a culture. There might be a radical Muslim community spreading globally, but they are totally unwanted and don't represent the religious philosophy of Islam.

Upon deeper reflection, some thoughts arise about terrorism linked with a particular religion.  Is a Muslim country a culture of violence? Is it biblical teaching to kill people for the sake of faith? Extremists may be narcissistic and need the constant attention of the world, but it is to be stopped. There is nothing good about violent attacks...not good to hear about terror acts... not good news about honor killing, even in the name of religion.

I respect every religion but condemn what I believe is not upright. There is always an alternative to violence. Remember the power of the 'peace process and bloodless revolution.' There is always a better way to act that will not harm people, destroy a country and affect the world. I believe God is perfect, but what can the world see as a violent God? The answer lies in your own interpretation of events and personal beliefs. Listen to your inner voice and get enlightened. 

© 2012 Del Cusay

Friday, August 31, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon I Got an Award

"Tonight, I had a wonderful moment to glimpse the full moon. It's not just an ordinary occurrence because it's a rare celestial phenomenon. Looking up at the sky, I feel grateful and blessed that once in a blue moon, I've been appreciated and recognized."

On this day, it may seem to be just an ordinary day, nothing extraordinary, and there's no reason to celebrate. I woke up early this morning with a pleasant feeling after Thanksgiving. I read the latest news and visited my favorite blog sites while drinking coffee. This is how I would start my day.

It's also essential for me to check my email daily. To my surprise, I received a message from a blogger, Leslie Alba, the author of the blog 'Proud Mom's Corner.' She informed me that I was chosen as one of the 'Liebster Blog Award recipients.

I am ranked 8th among the 11 Blog sites she has chosen. This was the first I had heard of the term, and I searched for its meaning.

Leslie Alba writes her valuable insights about 'Parenting.' Here's the blog link: I

"Liebster" is a German word that means dearest or beloved. Upon knowing the award's significance, I wrote a message to her to express my gratitude and appreciation. It's a good feeling to be recognized by someone. 

I write my thoughts whenever I feel like doing it. I write when I strongly desire to express my ideas about a topic. I write in no particular date and time of the day. My content usually reflects my dominant feelings or experiences in a specific month. 

I write infrequently, usually one or two blog posts in a month. I am okay with the number of blog posts because I always believe that creating quality content is better. I plan ahead of time and organize my thoughts to produce good quality content that could be a timeless piece of content that would still be relevant even a few years from now or ahead of our time.

I am grateful, and it's such an honor to be a 'Liebster Awardee' recognized by a fellow blogger. It may not be the most prestigious award-giving body in the blogosphere, but it means so much to me, knowing that someone's following my work anywhere in the world where my blog has reached.

Writing is my passion, and I hope I will never be tired of it. It's my wish to inspire others through my way of writing. It's not just fun but also gives me a sense of freedom and fulfillment.

Today is just an ordinary day? I was wrong because it was a wonderful and memorable day for me.

Tonight, I had a wonderful moment glimpsing the full moon. It's not just an ordinary occurrence because it's a rare celestial phenomenon. Looking up at the sky, I feel grateful and blessed that I've been appreciated and recognized once in a blue moon.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oprah's Lifeclass: On Living Fearlessly

Lifeclass, live in New York, was one of the hottest topic participated by a large audience, and I've got the opportunity to participate though live webcast.

I have learned that fear is inevitable, and is not bad at all. You only need to recognize the fear, but still have the courage to pursue whatever you endeavor. Fear can sabotage success if you listen to it more than just ignoring it. In my life, I used to have a lot of fear, but I have learned to persevere and conquer the fear that's pulling me down.

Oprah, on the interview asked 10 questions about 'living on fear' based on the discussion with Tony Robbins. It was indeed a thought-provoking queries that challenged me. Here's my answer to the questions:

1.    What is the story you are telling yourself right now? What self-limiting beliefs within that story?

I always tell myself that I have the courage and will to do things as planned. I have affirmations and beliefs that success follows if I put my concentration to whatever I need to accomplish.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Perseverance in Times of Despair

"In moments of despair, you must never lose hope. When feeling down, there is a reason to rise up. When feeling lost, there is always a chance to win. Dare to persevere and accept everything as it happens. Dare to survive and live a better and fulfilling life."

Winning in life is not all about the achievement of your highest hope and aspiration. It is about the challenges that you have to go through before you reach the peak of success. Sometimes, you are on the crossroads of finding the right path and choices. However, when things go differently than what you expect, you may lose hope and feel uninspired to move forward.

Failure is part of winning if you view it with optimism. To persevere and learn from mistakes is a challenge to make you become a better person. Nevertheless, absence of inspiration could lead to hopelessness; but enthusiasm drives you with energy to keep on fighting.

Despair could happen in the absence of inspiration. In hopeless situations, you are not giving a chance for the right opportunity to come, resulting to desperate actions, that may turn into regrets and suffering.


Life may present challenges to be accepted and not to take something for granted. What you have gone through in life have a great impact on your self-esteem. All experiences teach you a certain lesson: to overcome weakness and to develop strength.

Unfortunately, despair is something that is surprising. You must have faith that everything has a purpose and meaning. If you persist, you will reap a fulfilling reward thereafter.

Being desperate towards uncertainties will only lead to pessimism. It will result to another problem or failure if not acted upon in a right way. Thus, there may be no other way to control of what may happen in life, but there is a way to wholeheartedly accept it.


Overcoming the challenges is a lifelong undertaking. It never stops and gives us the chance to become stronger and better. There is no reason to quit, but a chance to revive; because challenges may continue to strike until lessons are learned.

You must never lose hope in moments of despair. When feeling down, there is a reason to rise up; and when feeling lost, there is always a chance to win. Dare to persevere and accept everything as it happens. Dare to survive and live a better and fulfilling life.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Sparkling Life of Generosity

"We give light to those who are in the darkness; we give a light to those who are lost... and like a   light, we can live a sparkling life of generosity."

Blessings come into our lives at any moment and circumstance. Sometimes, it comes unexpectedly when we are already in our deepest despair and lose hope in what we are praying for. Occasionally, we interpret blessings as God's way of letting us know we are being heard for what we wish and aspire to.

In our lives, we have received numerous blessings that answer our prayers. We have asked for it, and now it has been granted. Whatever we enjoy is first conceived in our mind that now becomes a reality. We have it because of our faith and firm belief that we will achieve our strongest desires.  Everything we are enjoying now is the result of our 'wishful thinking' or imagination because we are a product of our mind's incredible power. If we think about something and put our greatest concentration, affirmation, and action, then chances are we will get our wishes to come true.


In life, we don't only receive graces, but we have to give back in return. If we have achieved our desires, we must share the positive energy to make our lives meaningful. In today's world, giving and receiving should be a two-way process to make it more balanced and fair. 

Those who are well-off and financially capable have a social responsibility. They can give their share through philanthropy. Hence, in the corporate world, they must do their corporate duties of providing a part of what they have earned. Less fortunate people also deserve some blessings. Some people live a life of discomfort and misery, and their hopelessness makes them feel that life is not worth living. 

It is in giving that we feel happy and contented. Giving something would mean we have enough. Giving away shows we care. Giving wholeheartedly without expecting something in return; is generosity.

Generosity is a good quality that we must practice. Even our little contribution makes us feel whole and have a sense of purpose. However, generosity comes in various ways and has its limitations; 


We are loved, and we give love in return. No matter what happens, our family will be there to support us in all our aspirations. They provide comfort and guidance in our way of living. When having separate lives, we must not forget our family ties and still be generous to give back our love, care, and time.


We can be generous by sharing our knowledge, expertise, and resources. It is a good feeling to become part of building up a better and more responsible society. What we do to our community will get back to us by providing a safer, more active, and purposeful organization. 


It is good to give thanks with a grateful heart. Everything we have is a blessing from the Divine and borrowed for a limited time. The generosity we do reflects an 'open and big heart,' and such is an act of being spiritually connected to our purpose.

We give light to someone and to our environment through simple means of giving; we give light to those in the darkness; we provide light to those who are lost... and like a light, we can live a sparkling life of generosity.

© 2012 Del Cusay