Sunday, November 5, 2017

6th Year Blogging Anniversary: Reminiscence of The Glorious Times

We will never know how far we have gone or how great we have become when we don't push ourselves to our limits, knowing who we really are and what we can do. That's when we start our journey to limitless potential and possibilities. Enjoying the moment of overcoming obstacles on the way to the peak. We may have conquered the summit and felt victorious, but that moment isn't forever, and we continue the journey back to where life seems normal and easy. That's the cycle of life. No permanence, but just unending highs' and lows.'

I reminisce about the days when I followed my soulful desire and committed. It's not a major one. Not even an absolute commitment. I call it a passion  a lifestyle for a chosen few. This is to follow my desire to put my stories into writing. Blogging is a lifestyle that triggers emotions and can move people, not to be idolized but an inspiration that life is a series of levels comparable to a book. It has chapters and stands alone, pages, and a title.

As I write a title on every page or chapter, it highlights the wondrous journey of past, present, and future living. Not merely dwelling on the past but enjoying the moment, the power of now. That's the way it is. However, we envision a life ahead of our time. That's a gift of time travel; living may be light years earlier — to the extreme.

Today, November 5, is about remembering the past. On this day, about 6 years ago, I started to become a writer of my journey and destiny. As I recall, "Insights For A Fulfilling Life" was significant as I documented life's precious learning turned into wisdom from Sages of the East and West. It's about living in a more profound consciousness, a different state of being and planes of existence. That was surreal, for sure. 

As I began to be awakened, my life was still continuously changing. Some old ways of living and some great deeds are done. Awakening starts when we explore the deeper core of our being. Our soulful quest for meaning and understanding the chaos and adversity happens to everyone and our world.

On November 5, 2011, I started to share about the gentle awakening through The Power of Meditation. It all started with light, an inspiration, a spark leading to action. Tremendous energy that was so powerful enough to change a personality. That's how it all began. Whenever I look back, it was a simple wish, a desire for something different and meaningful. It was granted, and I have gone through the test of time. Rough as it may have been, still on the journey of fine-tuning.

The first year of the blogging anniversary was about the Reminiscence of The Glorious Times. A run-through of the insights on my travels: interaction with people and exposure to different and bizarre cultures. A year after, the 2nd year was like a viral post the Western readers when I posted about Following Our Heart's Desire. Since then and up to date, it's the most read and shared blog post. I describe it as an ordinary but meaningful and significant post.

My ebook entitled "Heart's Desire: Journey to Success" came into reality as inspired by that post and was even accepted by Amazon for international readers. It was never easy, but I have learned to do it on my own, and beyond my wildest dreams, I have faith in myself to live upon my future desires that may be unimaginable. It's a journey, and along the way are crossroads. Sometimes, it will be good to feel defeated, and some days, like a champion  a winner.

On the 6th anniversary, a new chapter is celebrated: The Road Ahead is about living your most extraordinary life inspired by the light from within. This new chapter, it's about meaningful silence and experiencing and overcoming challenges. To overcome defeat and emerge as a winner based on personal definition of success.

As I said, this personal blog site,, is a masterpiece: a collection of stories shared by great people from great places, cultures, and events. This will continue to exist in the coming years, and I will always be delighted to share it with people who aspire to awaken their inner giant from within and share the light today and beyond.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Road Ahead: Move on and Go Further

"A highway of success is only possible with a rocky road. And we always go forward in life no matter the obstacles and challenges we are going through as long as we believe in ourselves and keep our faith not to be stuck, but to keep going further."

Life has been a series of beautiful beginnings. A series of unexpected events, a sudden turn of fate. When the door closes, there will always be a window to open up. Vast and limitless possibilities, offering the best world you have been dreamin', and that window provides a glimpse of a gentle light that's very promising.

The road ahead directed me toward another viewpoint: we can unleash our potential however we can. Though it may be unknown to me, the most challenging thing will always be the beginning. As long as the fire keeps burning, everything will end happily. That's what I know for sure.

Aha! It was exactly 5 months ago when I joined the automotive industry. It was never in my mind, but I trust the guts and fate there for me. As a trained healthcare professional, I have dreamed of working in a medical facility, helping people regain strength, achieve wellness and become a purposeful members of society again. Well, that happened just recently, and that was indeed an experience. There's always a healing power in our hands; we can all heal people. You don't need to become a doctor or a nurse to heal people, as there's always healing energy in compassion and motivation. If that's what you can give, we can create a ripple of goodwill, whoever we are and whatever industry we are in. That's it!

Service to humanity is not confined to a single industry where compassion is much known. The heart is in the soul of our being, and we carry it in any work we do. In our dealings with people, we show mercy through excellent customer service, ensuring the best experience leading to customer satisfaction and retention. In any industry, our job involves delighting our clients with our exceptional services, something that is incomparable that makes them delighted customers. As the Dalai Lama said, "Our goal is to be happy, and to be happy, one has to be compassionate"  So, with that, it is truly our loving nature. This prominent and overflowing heart makes us experience happiness and, ultimately, bliss- a more profound spiritual experience.

There will always be a light that will guide us to the deepest of our souls. A material world that may be less spiritual to many, but a single step towards a thousand miles of a spiritual journey. The material and spiritual worlds co-exist, and resisting this chosen path is hard. 

We are in control of our decisions, but there's a higher soul that will make us realize our worth. We can always choose whom to follow, the ones who will show compassion on our being to discover our most profound dreams and desires to fulfill. I feel the connection, the care, the gratitude, and the sense of pride. 

The culture is lovely and has been created from the foundation of love, respect, and trust for its people. It's not about the company's name or size; it's about making a company significant, even from the most direct contribution worthy of recognition. We can create a culture of unity and not divisiveness. A culture of respect, friendliness, camaraderie, and compassion. That's what we all need to succeed.

I remember the smiles, the happy faces, and the grateful heart in every interaction. I can sense the sincerity and humility to help that no matter how busy we are with our work, we still find time to reach out with our helping hand. It's the people that we're working with that will help us stay alive. No matter how tiring the day may seem, nothing beats the positive energy and enthusiasm that makes us energized and keep motivated. It's the culture that makes a difference. 

As I brave the storm of impossibilities, there will always be a mirror to hold; to look back on past successes, thereby rising up from the challenges. It's never too late to start with a positive spirit fighting for greatness in the little world that I live in, but an expanded consciousness is unlimited, as I have been given. 

There are so many things to realize and discover within ourselves. We can look forward to a brighter future and keep the passion ignited daily. We highly believe in trusting the leader and supporting the company.

The road ahead is uncertain, but we always create our own reality. The roads may be rough for now, but a smooth ride will eventually follow in the days to come as long as we keep moving forward. A highway of success is only possible with a rocky road. And we always go on in life no matter the obstacles and challenges we are going through as long as we believe in ourselves and keep our faith not to be stuck but to keep going further.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hope For Humanity: A Life Worth Living

2013 was probably the worst disaster that hit the Philippines, my beloved country. The day when the most destructive typhoon killed thousands of lives and families left homeless. November 8, 2013, was a nightmare to consider. Several lives were lost instantly, and many people suffered from post-traumatic stress. They were helpless, didn't know what to do, and felt abandoned and neglected. It killed innocent lives, the hopes and dreams of many people, families living simple lives, and those who have just started building their lives. It was all gone due to a significant impact caused by Typhoon Yolanda, internationally known as Haiyan.

As a disaster-prone country, we learned to adapt to almost every calamity. We brave the storm, proving the Resilience of The Filipino Spirit that we are as complex as titanium but as soft as a pearl. We learn to recover and stand up again despite the miseries we have experienced. We struggle, we cry, we laugh, and we smile. That's the cycle of life we are meant to live. In the Philippines, that's our reality. We are waterproof no matter what challenges we are going through. We Filipinos are tough, but our poor soul experiences the pain that makes us feel helpless, meaningless, and lack direction and purpose. We became lost and wanderers in body, mind, and spirit.

Destruction of humanity caused by climate change is the greatest challenge in this century. We have caused significant damage to the earth and suffer the consequence; hence, disaster is becoming a regular occurrence, and we must learn how to fight to survive. Yes, we are a survivor in this archipelago of stormy seas. Our survival instinct guides our actions to escape from harm and danger. Our bodies may have become weak, but our spirit still has the energy to live. That is Perseverance in Times of Despair that we develop in our character. We became fearless, and we endured all the pain.

As a survivor, I have learned to acknowledge the importance of saving our environment; our nature; the habitat we live in; keeping the forestry that is becoming denuded, and creating awareness for people who don't care. People are becoming greedy and busy with the destruction of nature just to gain wealth. That's their way to survive and their life path. For us, we end up suffering. Those people are careless not to think and feel for the welfare of the people. Truly, destruction against humanity.

A simple way of expressing disgust for environmental destruction and supporting the ecological protection drive would mean a lot. I believe there are still better leaders with a voice and influence to beat the destroyers, the environment killers. I give my support to those who care for humanity and the world. There's nothing more worth living than a peaceful and heaven-on-earth experience. When we sleep so deep and wake up with higher hopes and goals to accomplish. When we live in harmony with nature and keep our balance as we progress. There is nothing more in life than to keep everything fair and just.

My previous life experiences made me stronger and think extraordinarily. MyMy Life's Greatest Challenge prepared me for a more significant role of serving humanity through a personal transformation through higher consciousness. I've been prepared for disaster preparedness for a possible worst-case scenario. The world is ever-changing and unpredictable. However, we can always foresee the events based on the current trend. Today, we are Dealing with The Impact of Climate Change. That's our reality, and we are now living in it. We can't stop it, but we can prepare for the worst thing to come to entirely survive. I mean not only on a physical level but also on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Life is good, and it is worth living to have a negligible influence on others. We can make an impact in our own way based on what we believe is right and for the betterment of other people. Our humanitarian actions will go a long way, creating a ripple of kindness and goodwill to improve the world. Our Heart's Desire: To live a Humanitarian Life Heart's Desire: To live a Humanitarian Life that will influence others to stand up and act for better mankind. We have higher hopes for ourselves, but we are also hoping more for humanity's future. As I remember, service life is a life worth living and well lived -- the humanitarian way.

© 2017 Del Cusay