Sunday, April 5, 2020

Welcoming Both The Darkness and The Light

When there is darkness, only light. That's one statement from a soulful prayer to St. Francis of Assisi.

Today, the world is full of darkness. Humanity is suffering from the worst of God's wrath. We all suffer the good ones and the bad ones.

We may ask ourselves, why does God allow us to suffer? Why does God put us into the darkness? If God is the world's light, why does He allow the destruction of humanity and the world?

The good and the bad that's opposing qualities we possess and experience in our lifetime. Hence, bad things happen to good people, and bad people continue to live to spread the darkness of the soul.

We are good in nature, but God allows us to experience the dark side to decipher the truth and appreciate the light. If there is no darkness, there could be no light. Same as saying we are good because we refuse to be wrong and embrace the light.

In our lives, we can't say we are perfect. We commit a mistake or sin in our thoughts, words, and actions. Subsconsciously, we harm others with our intentions. We have the tendency to harm other living beings and disobey Higher beings.

That's our human nature. As long as we live, we continue to dwell on the darkness and the light. But, in the end, we choose to stay in the lightness of our being - - of our soul and spirit.

We choose the light because we already know how it is to be in the dark. We choose to be good rather than becoming evil because we don't want to be trapped in a world of endless suffering.

Whatever we suffer at the present time is only temporary. The light is at the end of the tunnel, and we are heading in that direction.

We experience the dark night of the soul. This time, no one is spared. Our collective experience is history to the darkness of humanity until we learn and get out of the dark.

Your suffering is my suffering. Your darkness is my darkness. That's what we are in the spiritual world. We are physically distant but spiritually connected.

This Palm Sunday, we welcome the coming of Christ. We welcome his Divine presence in our hearts. He gives us darkness and can take it away from us. Then, we live to be the light in the world. We continue to be enlightened beings in this world.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Healthcare Frontliner's Fight and Flight

We are all fighting an invisible enemy. This has caused us fear and panic due to our vulnerability and uncertainty.

The COVID-19 pandemic is something to be scared of. While we are being optimistic in general, it still doesn't remove the anxiety we experience. It is spreading faster, and many people are getting infected and dying daily.

The young and the old, celebrities and ordinary people, the rich and the poor suffer. No one seems spared. We are affected physically, mentally, socially, politically, and economically.

Our physical movement is restricted due to isolation and strict home quarantine directive by the Government, thus causing discomfort, irritability, confusion, and anger. The Government assures their people of food relief and financial aid to those affected by community lockdown. 

Some people are anxious about their financial instability, thinking about how they will be able to survive the crisis. The ripple of untoward effects and the worst-case scenario is evident. 

For the general public, one thing being told to follow is to 'stay at home to prevent getting infected. This is already a heroic act that we can contribute to the epidemic to be contained.

Some people may not be able to fully understand the call for home quarantine and physical or social distancing protocol. The reason why our medical frontliners are calling our attention with the message 'I stay at work for you, please stay at home for us' seems like a straightforward message, but with a heartfelt plea to us.

Some of us may defy that simple yet meaningful message of our Healthcare frontliners, which is why we lost some of them. They keep on fighting for our precious lives and, more so, the lives of those under their care already. They are risking their lives whenever they treat a positive COVID-19 patient.

Several doctors globally have passed away while doing the heroic act of saving lives. Although they are already exhausted and stressed, more nurses and hospital personnel are not giving up. They keep fighting and having the will to live to protect us and save as many lives as possible.

In 2016, I had the opportunity to serve the frontline health workers of 'The Medical City Iloilo,' where I managed the frontliners in several units like Patient Education, Information, and Customer Service. I have worked with Doctors, Nurses, and Non-medical support staff regarding Patient Partnership Experience.

I am grateful for the opportunity to impart "Transforming Patient Partnership" with the Clinical Supervisors and Head Nurses of the Medical City Iloilo. As the healthcare institution is moving forward, we have aimed to develop high-performing teams capable of working in a highly challenging situations.

We also strengthened our Patient Partnership intervention through Effective Communications in Healthcare, Personal Development in Healthcare, Stress Management Program, and Conflict Resolution and Management Program, which are essential in delivering frontline healthcare services.

As a nurse myself, I have experienced a stressful environment in a healthcare setting. Thus I have imparted programs that I believed would help deal with day-to-day operations and whenever needed in times of future crisis.

The Medical frontliners globally are well trained to handle difficult situations even in times of health crisis like the pandemic issue. They are equipped with the essential gears of knowledge, skills, and wisdom. They are ready for the battle anytime they are tested or challenged.

They are put on the frontline because they have the most willpower, are the bravest, and are ready to die in service for us.

The medical frontliners are our modern-day heroes. In this health crisis, they defend us all against unseen invaders. They fight for our survival, and they die for us to live. That's the most heroic deed they can do for us. 

We honor and salute our medical frontliners for their utmost dedication and service. Like us, they deserve to survive this battle, and they also deserve to live their best life. Let's protect them by doing our share. Let's help them stay and live. 

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, March 22, 2020

You Are Not Alone

Wherever you are right now, you may need help! Just like the billion people on earth who are quarantined at home. It may be the worst feeling ever. You are restricted and controlled. You can't travel at a far distance, and you have to follow a certain social distance.

People are getting anxious and may start losing their sanity at a certain point. Boredom kills, and uncertainty is getting into their consciousness. What's happening? Who's the enemy? When will this suffering end?

You are not alone! We are all in this together. Your inconvenience and suffering are also what I am experiencing. We are together in this fight against the unseen forces that are a global threat to our health and well-being.

How are we going to survive this battle? Yes! This is a matter of survival skills. Either we continue to live, or we die! That's our reality at this moment of crisis.

This Soulful Sunday, I got some energy from a sun salutation exercise. I needed some stretching and sun exposure to boost my vitality and immunity. That's my latest craze just before the beginning of the home quarantine period. And then it's true that we get energy from a distance, a more powerful source.

Contemplating from our backyard at the farmhouse, I glimpse the uncertain future. The future is brighter despite the present-day darkness.

I realized that we can sometimes be socially distant but never feel alone or lonely. We are still emotionally and mentally connected to our loved ones, community, country, and world.

Our individual and personal suffering is also the suffering of our entire family. The sorrow of families is also the sorrow of the entire community. The morale of communities is also the morale of the country. And the downfall of nations is also the downfall of the world.

We are all connected in spirit, and we are what we think and feel. But one thing that can set us apart is our way of thinking; our mindset. Some may think of suffering, while others may think of opportunities. It's now about suffering versus surviving. Or we survived our battle and hell.

And this, too, shall pass. This will end. And when the time comes that we survive this threat to life, we will be living well in the Glory of God - - our Saviour whom we prayed for.

As I lay down on the hammock, I realized that you and I are not alone! We are not alone because we continue fighting to live and defeat the unseen. We will learn some lessons about victory and defeat. We will again rise up and be truly alive!

You are not alone because you will realize that you have a family who loves you. You are not alone because you belong in a community that shows care and concern. You are not alone because you are part of a country of strong-willed people. And you are not alone because you are a resident of a global community of freedom fighters.

We are the fighters, and we are the world. We keep on believing. We keep on surviving. And we keep on living.

© 2020 Del Cusay