Sunday, March 22, 2020

You Are Not Alone

Wherever you are right now, you may need help! Just like the billion people on earth who are quarantined at home. It may be the worst feeling ever. You are restricted and controlled. You can't travel at a far distance, and you have to follow a certain social distance.

People are getting anxious and may start losing their sanity at a certain point. Boredom kills, and uncertainty is getting into their consciousness. What's happening? Who's the enemy? When will this suffering end?

You are not alone! We are all in this together. Your inconvenience and suffering are also what I am experiencing. We are together in this fight against the unseen forces that are a global threat to our health and well-being.

How are we going to survive this battle? Yes! This is a matter of survival skills. Either we continue to live, or we die! That's our reality at this moment of crisis.

This Soulful Sunday, I got some energy from a sun salutation exercise. I needed some stretching and sun exposure to boost my vitality and immunity. That's my latest craze just before the beginning of the home quarantine period. And then it's true that we get energy from a distance, a more powerful source.

Contemplating from our backyard at the farmhouse, I glimpse the uncertain future. The future is brighter despite the present-day darkness.

I realized that we can sometimes be socially distant but never feel alone or lonely. We are still emotionally and mentally connected to our loved ones, community, country, and world.

Our individual and personal suffering is also the suffering of our entire family. The sorrow of families is also the sorrow of the entire community. The morale of communities is also the morale of the country. And the downfall of nations is also the downfall of the world.

We are all connected in spirit, and we are what we think and feel. But one thing that can set us apart is our way of thinking; our mindset. Some may think of suffering, while others may think of opportunities. It's now about suffering versus surviving. Or we survived our battle and hell.

And this, too, shall pass. This will end. And when the time comes that we survive this threat to life, we will be living well in the Glory of God - - our Saviour whom we prayed for.

As I lay down on the hammock, I realized that you and I are not alone! We are not alone because we continue fighting to live and defeat the unseen. We will learn some lessons about victory and defeat. We will again rise up and be truly alive!

You are not alone because you will realize that you have a family who loves you. You are not alone because you belong in a community that shows care and concern. You are not alone because you are part of a country of strong-willed people. And you are not alone because you are a resident of a global community of freedom fighters.

We are the fighters, and we are the world. We keep on believing. We keep on surviving. And we keep on living.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, March 15, 2020

When Faith is Bigger Than Our Fears

Fear can be defeated when there's a light from within. When we are suffering in this time of global health crisis,
we can learn to fight back stronger and live healthier.

In these times of brutal challenge, we are called to remain calm and be in stillness. Although it may not be accessible at times, we still tune in to the Highest Divine power- - the life-giver.

Our Soulful Sunday moment makes us feel the Divine love and light. When we feel anxious and uncertain, we feel the warmth wrap around our bodies and soul. It comforts us that someone is in control of our being and fate.

Whatever is happening in today's world is part of a Divine plan. Whatever we give in this world is what comes back to us. When we give suffering to others, we might experience even the worst kind of suffering. Hence, when we give love, it begets love and understanding.

The global health threat creates fear resulting in the hoarding of food and stuff. It causes massive chaos between nations. It causes misunderstanding, blame games, and discrimination. 

The hysteria is absolute. But the world isn't new to this pandemic. We may only be more critical, cautious, and alert than ever before, and that's a positive sign of a changing time.

But with all these untoward events, the antidote is to have faith and not to fear. To believe that we can survive this battle and not fear things that are unreal.

God's will is absolute, as humans have the choice; the will to be healed and the will to survive. So if things are within our control, we must also have faith in something beyond our control. 
Be fearless and have faith. 

© 2020 Del Cusay

This post is Sponsored by Matthew's Wonderful World. Support him by Subscribing and watching his life journey from birth to childhood life ❤️

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Transfiguration in the Eyes of A Child

The child grows fast from birth to a toddler. From the time they opened their eyes until they started walking alone. A physical transformation that makes us delighted. A child was born and is yet to live a great life. 

This Soulful Sunday, we spent a good time at the farm, and we brought our little one to explore the world that is new to him. The last time we got him to the farm was on new year's day, 2020, when he was just learning how to walk.

On New year's day 2020, when he was 1 year and 1 month old, we saw his curiosity to explore his environment. Although he couldn't speak and express his emotion of joyfulness, it can be seen in his smiles and actions.

Now at 13 months, he can walk by himself and is very playful. He can show different emotions. He laughs when feeling happy and cries when feeling uncomfortable.

A child is living in a different world. It is within our world, but they see things differently, as if they have their own. Whenever we don't feel like smiling, a child is there to give us a smile. Whenever we feel tired, a child lifts us up and gives us energy. A child has lots of powerful energy to change her mood and emotion. A child so small can change how we see the world.

Sometimes we may feel like having enough, yet a child can be happier and more excited. We may feel tired or bored with what we already have, but a child can have endless fun in exploration. A child starts to experience how to live, get hurt, fall down, rise up again, and give his biggest smile.

This 2nd Sunday of Lent talks about the transfiguration of Jesus at Mount Tabor, which was witnessed by his chosen Disciples. Jesus transformed into a bright human being just before the eyes of the Disciples.

Here on Earth, our God may show up in many ways through experiences of lavish living and even suffering. However, we may become blind in our faith and not see the bright side of life.

Unlike the child, he sees more beyond what we grown-ups can see. A child can remind us how to see the world with the most profound sense and gratitude.

 Our Quest for Personal Transfiguration begins as we emulate the innocence of a little child, giving us a radiant glow as we live life with happiness, joy, and peace.

When we no longer see ourselves shining so brightly, we see the transfiguration of Jesus in the eyes of a child. Because it is in their eyes that we see the greatest hope to learn how to live fully and see the world brighter again.

© 2020 Del Cusay