Showing posts with label The Road Ahead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Road Ahead. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Welcoming October's Best

When September ends, we feel more energized moment. It's about welcoming a new month with enthusiasm and positivity.

When we feel good, we attract the best thing in life. It fuels our passion, and it keeps us more alive. It's the best time to maintain the inner fire burning and lasting.

And this month reminds me to live the best days ahead. To be highly optimistic even in the midst of uncertainty. To give a smile, to laugh often, and to feel good.

What's the best thing you're hopeful about this month and beyond? Is it the Yuletide season? A pleasant surprise? Or a new chapter?

We may still be living on restrictions, but we can always move on and remain hopeful about our plans. 

The blue skies, early morning sunshine, a gentle wind blows, and a good conversation. That gives us the energy to feel suitable all-day long. It keeps us youthful, like a playful child who teaches us to be carefree and free.

October's Best is about our mindset. Expectations that can empower our actions and unblocks our limitations.

When October ends, it will be much more intense energy. It requires motivation to keep the fire burning. But, to pursue greater aspirations, remember to keep our childlike nature. To live, to laugh, and to love. That's the best October we expect to have.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Birthday Special: Life's New Chapter

A birthday is a moment in life when we celebrate a new beginning. A fresh start that fuels our dreams and desires. A further goal to achieve and a new mission to fulfill.

September 1st has been the most anticipated date for most of us. It's when we look forward to a happier and merrier Christmas celebration. The earliest Christmas for Filipinos.

And for me, September 2nd is a celebration of life. It's when I feel grateful for reaching another year. A year that may be full of ups and downs. But, a year that's full of love and happiness. 

What makes this day extra special is the presence of my family. They're always there to celebrate with me on my birthday. They've witnessed how I live my life. And they're always a source of happiness and contentment.

I'm forever grateful for the years when I felt loved. I never felt alone, but I always felt guided and directed. 

This pandemic won't stop us from celebrating a new life. Because life must never stop despite threats and obstacles. We face it, and we live it. We choose to be brave, thrive, and break through barriers with toughness and fierceness.

As I continue to battle uncertainty, life has been good to me. The road may still be unclear sometimes, but I always have hope. Just carry on and move on. Wishing all the best in life and Living my most extraordinary life.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Related Posts:

👉 Birthday Special: Love and Gratitude

👉 Celebrating Birthday at the Farm

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Holy Week 2021: The Path to Salvation

We live on earth for a purpose. We have a mission to fulfill for the glory of God and our salvation.

That's the promise of Christ. We live to do good and find a deeper meaning to our existence, and then we live in eternity when we die.

But how can we find a meaningful living amidst the threats and chaos in our times? With the Covid-19 pandemic, we all seem to suffer, and many people are getting sick and dying.

Have they fulfilled their purpose? Their mission? 

The rich and the poor, the young and the old, the weak and the strong are dying. No one seems spared once infected by the deadly unseen enemy.

A year has passed, and we repeat our mistakes. It's like suffering continues until a lesson must have been learned. It's a cycle, and we keep experiencing a predictable turn of events. We know what will happen next. We've been there, and we're just watching a rewind and another season of the same circumstances.

Are we in control of all of these? Is God in control?

One thing that Christ sacrificed is his passion, death, and resurrection to save humanity from sin. He endured sufferings for us to understand our nature of living. And not to be cowardly or defeated by our demons and weaknesses.

If the world is doing its cleansing, we all suffer; either we survive or die. We're the first or the last in line. Eventually, our fate is that we die. Not our will, but His divine will.

Who will save us? What happens when we die?

Christ taught us that, He is the way, the truth, and the life. He'll be eternally in our hearts and minds when we listen and follow Him. Our path to salvation will always have Divine guidance. Our salvation is to live each day with faith in our hearts. To track and be guided, to suffer and survive, to be crucified and resurrected.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Related Post:

👉 Holy Week 2020: Faith in Uncertain Times

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Moving Forward and Going Further

When was the last time you thought of giving up? Your goals, ambitions! Your dreams and desires!

When we're no longer fueled by our passion and motivation, quitting is easy. But what happens when we no longer serve our purpose just by giving up? 

One thing I've learned in the corporate world is to keep on burning. Keep in mind the desires, hopes, and positive future.

Working at Ford made me realize the importance of going further; in life and everything. To "go further" means many things to people. For me, it's about achieving our ultimate potential and doing our best to be at the top of the line, at the peak of performance, always full tank and energized.

Ford Global City and Ford Manila allowed me to be success-driven to go further. There may be some crossroads, but I always remember to move forward and keep the passion alive.

This time, keep on moving no matter what happens. The road to the peak may be rough sometimes, but we're not giving up because we believe we can always choose to go further and live a better life.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year 2021: A New Hope

The year 2020 brought a lot of pain and suffering into our lives. It seems like the darkest era of our times. Something unexpected, but we've learned to accept and embrace it.

If this is the preview of a new decade '20s, we could predict the future; that uncertainty is now part of our daily living. 

Things change instantaneously. It's like a blink of an eye, and our fate would change.

The year 2020 was the saddest and most unpredictable moment we've experienced. It ruined our hopes and dreams and redirected our compass to a crossroads. That was the end of the year 2020. Finally, we've all welcomed the new year 2021 with our greatest hopes. After the long agony, we can blur the sad memories from the deepest of our consciousness.

That was the end of the year 2020. Finally, we've all welcomed the new year 2021 with our greatest hopes. After the long agony, we can blur the sad memories from the deepest of our consciousness.

A new world

Whatever earth changes we've been experiencing, one thing I'm sure of is that this is part of the Divine plan. We're not in control; hence we let things happen and make things happen in our human capacity.

If the world has to change this way, then a more significant force can move us and direct our path -- either to follow and have faith or to step back and have doubts.

So, in this new world order, some would-be victims of a sad reality, while others would be victorious survivors.

New opportunities

We've seen people who have lost a living; have missed some chances and opportunities for the past year.

Some may have struggled a lot in business, career, and life. It also caused our fears, frustrations, and anger. It made us express all kinds of emotions. It had caused inconvenience and a downgrade in the quality of living at some point.

This year 2021, is about new opportunities that await us. The missed one is just a moment of pause; to stop for a while; to re-calibrate, and be ready to stand up again.

This year 2021, is about an opportunity to be together as a family again. To be reunited and to recall how we've started it all.

When we're somewhat lost, our family will always be there to guide and light our path. They're there on our knocked down and cheer us on our way up.

Opportunities don't only knock once. We see opportunities everywhere. And if there seems to be none, we create it ourselves and even create opportunities for others.

A new dream

Yes, we've awakened from a deep slumber. It was somehow a nightmare! 

This year, we're hoping for a better night's sleep. We're hoping for a better dream. And so, as we wake up, we'll turn that dream into a reality.

And when we dream, we extend it to the special people in our lives. They are the source of our inspiration, happiness, and reason for living. Family is love, and family is forever. That's one thing I know for sure.

A night or a daydream is both a pleasant experience of hoping for brighter days ahead. 

A new hope

We're hopeful that no matter how life seems uncertain, we still believe that something good will happen.

Our hope will always keep us alive to make us believe that miracles happen daily. From the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep. 

A new hope is there to give us the energy to live actively. A new hope gives us many chances to try again and never give up but hope when things seem to be falling.

This year 2021, is about hope in all aspects of living. We hope for the best things to happen. We hope for the best wishes to come, and we hope for the best life ahead.

 ©️ 2021 Del Cusay 

Related Post:

👉 New Year 2020: A New Decade

Sunday, December 27, 2020

2020 Year in Review: Overcoming Great Odds

What a challenging year it has been! Full of surprises, chaos, and unmet expectations. A year of lost hopes and breaking barriers. That's how I sum up the year 2020. 

No matter how good the year 2020 has started, there are always obstacles. That's an uncertain moment of what the future holds. 

How the year started

Celebrating the New year 2020 with my family was one of the best moments. It brought happiness and a joyful spirit to be with my loved ones.

We've shared many meaningful conversations, short travels, and family gatherings that strongly bonded us. We don't get a chance to celebrate yearly together as one big family; whenever we do, we make it very memorable.

Meaningful moments had been a celebration with a dear person in my life. I had a great time and sweet memories that I always reminisce about.

The Great Challenge

The end of the first quarter of 2020 brought misery to our lives. The pandemic caused by Covid-19 knocked us down. It made us paralyzed for a moment. It made us worry, fear, and angry over the unknown enemy.

Covid-19 caused a global freeze. No local and international flights, some travel restrictions, closed businesses, and bankrupt companies. 

It separated countries by closing the borders, made us feel disconnected through physical distancing, and taught us to set boundaries for our protection and our loved ones.

Before the lockdown in March this year, I shared a meaningful journey with special people. We never thought the worst was yet to come, but we celebrated the triumph with courage, faith, and love.

Despite this century's surprise, we're able to survive and thrive. No matter how challenging the situations are, we keep fighting to live a good life in a new normal.

Lessons from the Pandemic

Lots of meaningful lessons are thrown at us to learn. This pandemic is just a preview of a series of disastrous moments for humanity. We have to prepare to experience the worst. And so we can better prepare for the next to come. Be better and be bold.

That's a great lesson for humanity, but the pandemic made us realize that we're all globally connected and can feel people's suffering wherever they are.

However, it's not the end of the world. We had to do something. We don't have to feel miserable, lonely, or depressed. Instead, we have made things possible.

In times of pandemic, food is an essential thing to survive. When people in the cities struggle with food supplies, people in the countryside or rural areas have a reason to be more grateful.

Integrated farming lifestyle

My parents decided to make use of their time while on lockdown. And so they started to develop our farmland to be our new lifestyle.

Integrated farming has converted our farm into a mini forest with different kinds of trees. This place is where I do forest bathing every time we visit the farm. Its healing effect is Wonderful as it helps to be more grounded. To be connected to the natural source.

We've also started to plant vegetables and fruits and have made farm-fresh harvests for our food. This time, health must be an utmost priority. We have to strengthen our immunity against diseases, so it's good to eat organic fruits and veggies that are more healthy and keep us strong and have more energy.

Overcoming challenges

We've had enough of Covid-19 and are helping to defeat it. It can never break or kill us if we keep the faith.

When we can travel again without restrictions and quarantine status is at the lowest level, we rejoice that finally, we are back to normal, although some health protocols are still in place.

We've had simple family gatherings to celebrate precious moments and religious devotions. This time no kisses and hugs, but a little distance to ensure safety. It's a robotic feeling, but we must get used to it.

Christmas in our hearts

Our world brightened up when the 'Ber' month started. We're in a festive mood and celebrating Christmas early on.

From September to December, we anticipate a very long Christmas season unique among Filipinos. It brings hope that we can always be cheerful and win any battle of life's ups and downs.

And so, we celebrate Christmas. It may not be the merriest celebration this year, but we never fail to bring the light of hope and higher aspirations. 

This Christmas, during the pandemic, is a reminder to be with the people who truly matter and celebrate with simplicity and the highest gratitude. It's a time for introspection about our purpose and continued life journey. To give hope and bear the light.

Christmas is the most anticipated moment, so we make peace with ourselves over wrongful actions. This holiday is the time for a soulful evaluation of the previous year. And also the best time for planning for the next year ahead.

So many turns of events. Some unexpected moments. Some unimaginable happenings. 2020 may be the beginning of a new earthly change, but it's also the beginning of a New personality and more refined energy.

©️ 2020 Del Cusay

Related Post:

👉 Year in Review 2019: The Greatest Love

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sweet Smiles of the Negrense

The Negros Island in the Philippines. Home of the sweet smiling people, or we call them Negrense or Negrosanon.

In December 2014, after my Journey in the city of Dumaguete in Negros Oriental, I took almost 7 hours of land travel going to Bacolod, the capital city of Negros Occidental. 

From the Eastern to Western Negros, I had a journey after a fulfilled short visit to the "City of Gentle People" in Dumaguete.

I was undoubtedly in the land of the 'sweet and charming' people since I was at the sugar center of the Philippines... The Negros Island. 

From Dumaguete to Bacolod, you'll see the massive plantations of sugarcane on both sides of the road, passing by several cities.

Yes, Negros Occidental is the province of the Philippines with the most cities, primarily due to its prosperous sugar industry

The sugar industry is so huge that they supply the entire Philippines and even exports it to other countries.

Arriving in Bacolod after a long journey on a bus, I was greeted with a Negrense brand of hospitality, a sweet smile, and a pleasant melodious voice.

I'm in Bacolod! The City of Smile and the home of the famous "Maskara Festival."

That was my 5th time visiting Bacolod, and I love returning to one of the most highly urbanized cities and one of the most livable cities in the Philippines.

In Bacolod and the entire Negros, people live a good life no matter what challenges they may be going through; they still keep on surviving and never forget to smile.

My highlight of the visit to Negros Island was a day tour of "The Ruins," which is an Italian-inspired architectural mansion built in the early 1900s and was burned during world war 2.

Garden by the ruins

A mansion built with the love of a wealthy Sugar baron to his Portuguese wife. The love story is just as romantic as the heritage of "the ruins." 

Sweet as the Negrense, they produce sweet products, most of which are my favorite. Muscovado sugar is the healthiest of its kind and an ingredient in making sweet delicacy like "Piaya and Pinasugbo," which is two of the most popular and a-must try delicacy if you visit Bacolod and Negros Island. 

After the pandemic, I hope to try the sweet smiles again. When the world loses its smiles, the Negrense will always give their most adorable smiles to anyone. During this time, that's all we need -- a sweet smile.

The people of Negros Island are some of the most refined and kind people I've met. Beyond their sweet smiles, they deserve a precious life. A life that is full of hope, meaning, and inspiration.

©️ 2020 Del Cusay

You May Read:

👉Campus Tour at the Silliman University

👉The Ruins and the Love Story

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Highlands of Bucari

The holiday continues! It's the first week of 2020 and the first week of the new decade, but the joyful and soulful moment never ends.

The new year 2020 was welcomed with enthusiasm and a positive spirit. It was the most straightforward, fun, and memorable celebration. 

The holiday rush and noise are over, and we are returning to a normal vibe. We missed the playful kids, the laughter, and the great conversations. We have learned some life lessons and have higher hopes to accomplish.

Today, the first Sunday of the year, is a memorable one. It's the first Soulful Sunday moment. This time it was experienced away from home but in a nearby province of Iloilo in the Municipality of Leon. 

This is my first visit, and on my bucket list is to see and experience the highlands of Bucari. I was accompanied by a beautiful person who is adventurous and also a lover of nature. This was our first time visiting the so-called Summer capital of Iloilo, and we had an incredible journey on the road. What a blissful experience I will never forget!

The road to Bucari is a beautiful experience riding a motorcycle while enjoying the magnificent view of the mountains covered with trees. As we approached the higher elevation and the curvy road, we were greeted by the cool mist and the foggy scenery. I was not in Tagaytay or Baguio, but Bucari has almost the same view.

After half an hour of a motorcycle ride, I was amazed at the development when we entered the camping site where cottages and tents were built and set up. I never thought of the development and the crowd of people who visit to experience the place. Visitors are cheerful and seem excited to explore what the area offers. We explored and saw it with ourselves. No regrets! 

We have climbed the highest peak and have passed by the 14 stations of the cross. That was hundreds of steps, and to reach the final station, we climbed the rock formation. We have conquered our fears, and we have reached the summit. No fears! 

That was a fantastic view. Perhaps one of the best I've ever seen. The peak offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Municipality of Leon and other towns of Iloilo. We were on cloud nine! And literally, the surrounding is covered with clouds until it has disappeared momentarily and offer a clear view of the mountains and the small villages from afar.

The majestic view from the top was a perfect moment to appreciate nature and have good conversations about future travel and adventures. This is just the beginning, and hoping for the best journey. 

Before we ended our short trip, we dropped by the chapel and had a final glimpse of the mountains. I suddenly reminisce about my soulful moment in the highlands of Dharamsala in India, quite similar to the view of the mountains that seem closer.

What a great adventure! And a great start to the year. Again that was another breathing out and a way to calm down despite the adrenaline rush. We did it! We made it! 

That was an incredible Soulful Sunday moment. Living well and at the present moment. 

© 2020 Del Cusay

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Decade in Review: 2010- 2019

The decade of the 2010s was the beginning of real-life stories about opportunities, commitments, achievements, and milestones. This is a decade of actual application of learning after graduation. 

No matter how tough life may seem in this decade, I remember the times I rose from pains and sorrows, losses and defeat. This is a bittersweet experience of life's ups and downs. I win, I lose, I regain, and I conquer. That sums up the decade of the 2010s, but there are in-depth stories on each year of the last 10 years.


The beginning of the decade brought us together away from home and my parents. Our siblings live and bond in Manila to celebrate meaningful moments and milestones.

2010 was the time when I gathered enough strength and regained my confidence to be more independent and unleash my inner powers.

2011- 2015

The first half of the decade is the most challenging life ever. I had a great life when I joined the BELife organization of Master Del Pe in April 2011. That year began a journey for personal development and experiencing higher consciousness through various empowering programs aimed at self-mastery.
The year 2011 was meaningful since I discovered the esoteric world and was exposed to and trained for Charity work led by Master Del Pe. I have traveled to the tremendous spiritual country of India and visited some of its major cities to reach our individuals, families, and groups to impart the teachings of Master de Pe, a renowned International Life mentor, and spiritual leader.

During my 4 years of service at BELife and MDP Foundation, I gained knowledge and wisdom about life and other subjects taught by Master Del Pe. I have improved on different levels and will continue that valuable learning forever.


A short and soulful journey happened in Baguio City in the Cordillera in May of 2015. I have lived in this place and appreciate nature while enjoying its vibrant city living.
I trekked the mountains while enjoying the scenery and the cool weather. This is the kind of life I would want to live; a developed place where nature is abundant, protected, and preserved.

In September 2015, I joined the BPO sector when I became a Skills Enhancement Trainer. It was a great experience to have handled a group of eager trainees to become part of the BPO industry as a Contact agent.

In April 2016, I became part of The Medical City team in Iloilo City. I was a Patient Partnership Experience Manager and handled 4 units under its umbrella. I managed the Customer Service, Information, Patient Education, and Corporate Communications units. These units are the frontliners in hospital service, and we had to ensure that the patients and clients would have an excellent patient experience during their stay at the medical center.


In March 2017, I joined the automotive industry as a sales consultant and trainer at Ford Global City.

I never considered selling cars, but this is where life brought me. It was also at this place where I applied my customer experience knowledge, which I had learned earlier in my previous work.

That was a promising career but a tough one. It needs more patience and perseverance to stay in this fast-paced job.


The Last year of the decade was freedom. Being free from the noisy world I used to live in. I have chosen to stay quiet for a while and gain enough energy before the start of the new decade.

This year 2019, I was at home together with my parents. I live simply and comfortably, and we have built a farmhouse where we can unwind. This is life away from the city. Not a fast-paced life, but living in the Now! Living in the present moment.
That was the decade 2010s! A decade full of surprises. A meaningful one and the start of a beautiful journey.

The new decade of the 2020s is coming and will surely bring more surprises. I hope for a great decade ahead and a soulful journey in life.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Thursday, December 26, 2019

2019 Year in Review: The Greatest Love

The year 2019 is about to end, and it's the time of the year to review another roller coaster ride of life events and milestones.

This year 2019, is like a deep slumber. I am in a deeper state of rest and slow-paced living. As I experience this life, I learn life lessons about simple living and natural healing.

Religious Devotion

It was my first-ever experience seeing the flock of thousands of devotees of the Black Nazarene on its feast day in January 2019. That was followed by the feast of Santo Niño, or the Child Jesus, in the same month. These religious events strengthen my faith and belief in a Supreme higher Divine power who does miracles in our lives.

It was also my first time celebrating the feast day of The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Lomboy Parish on June 27, 2019. The Blessed image is known to bring miracles for those who believe and pray through the intercession of the Blessed Mary, the Mother of Christ. 
I may not be able to celebrate the feast day of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Lomboy Parish in the coming years. Still, my parents and loved ones will be there to express devotion through prayers and religious activities.

Personal Development

  • Health  This year I have learned to listen to my body and slow down. A balanced and healthy diet gives nourishment and healing from illnesses. Although it's hard to fully commit, it teaches me about health consciousness for a better living. 
  • MeditationAs I swing through a hammock, I am relaxed and at peace. While sitting on a chair and seeing the sunrise and sunset gives a beautiful feeling about God's loving presence. That's my meditation. Feeling great and sometimes in a trance state but with eyes wide open. 
  • Developing HabitsWaking up early morning and early at bedtime makes an excellent daily habit. I didn't have the luxury of quality sleep in the past years, so I feel great upon waking up fully recharged. 
Celebrating Victories

On May 14, 2019, our father was elected by the people to serve another term as a Sangguniang Bayan Member in our town. This is his 5th term in service since he started in 1998-2007 and returned to do in 2016 after 9 years. We are part of my father's victory as we fully support his candidacy and commitment to helping the people. 
Welcoming Opportunities 

On October 30, 2019, the Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative, or SIDC, was opened in our Community at the R&L Commercial building. We're grateful for this excellent opportunity to serve the people through various products and services offered by the country's largest Agricultural - based Cooperative. This is the greatest blessing not only for my family but also for the whole Community. We're blessed and hoping for more opportunities in the years to come. 
Sustainable Farm Development 

My parents have finally initiated their plans for sustainable environmental development. The newly developed integrated farm features Mahogany trees, different kinds of fruit-bearing trees, and plants that help cool off the surroundings. This is where we unwind and have a good conversation while having coffee. In the years to come, this farm will achieve sustainability as we open some livelihood opportunities.
Some of my Soulful Sunday moments were inspired by the farm. A natural environment is truly a gift from God, and we're healed naturally from being connected with nature. 

Christmas in our hearts

We gathered again as a big family. It feels great to see the kids growing up as a teen. We had a grand Holiday celebration over the past years, and that was memorable and meaningful. This year we celebrate the Christmas eve mass or Misa de Gallo at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Lomboy Parish, followed by a Noche Buena, a good night meal to share with the family.
Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ as the center of our faith, and it's the time to get together as a family. This is the best time to enjoy the year-end and renew old habits and beliefs. 

We may have a stormy Christmas day and a shaky earth experience, yet we're comforted and saved by His Divine Mercy. We remain resilient through the calamities we encounter, and it'll help us deal with future crises. 

One thing that moved me was the Christmas message of Pope Francis when he shared about the unconditional love of Christ, saying, "God continues to love us all, even the worst of us. You may have mistaken ideas, but you have made a complete mess of things, but the Lord continues to love you." and that's the expression of His greatest love. 

We all have wronged with our thoughts, intentions, and actions at some point, but God continues showing us His love and mercy. He cleanses our spirits and uplifts our souls, so we may continue showing our love to others.

I celebrate the holidays with the people who matter in my life. We may have differences and life choices, but we bond stronger as one family. This Christmas is about love and understanding; we would want a New year with a new beginning. 

© 2019 Del Cusay

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