Sunday, April 15, 2018

Weekend Fitness Inspirations for Better Health

It's summertime, and people are into different fun and exciting activities. It may be the ocean breeze that makes people swim on the beaches. Others may enjoy the long ride reaching the mountain peak, offering the best view of the valley and the sky. Some may enjoy bonding moments with their family in their hometown while on summer vacation. Endless bucket lists to fulfill desires to unwind, feel relaxed, and live the most significant moments of their lives. These are what different personalities are up to as they experience the hottest season just before the onset of the monsoon.

Summertime brings us closer to our goals as we finally execute plans in action. As my new year's resolution, I have set some goals to shed a few pounds, maintain an ideal weight, and get fit. Forget about Travel Inspirations momentarily and focus more on regaining better physical health. This way, I can do many activities and opportunities as I get back on track feeling lighter and healthier. It seems like a simple goal, but determination and the willpower to make a brand-new start is the key to making it happen. Often it's just a plan, and when a cycle of procrastination attacks, nothing happens, and the goal is dying, and worse is to have just expired. 

All these years, I have learned to put an expiration on the goal being set to accomplish. Never wait for the right or perfect moment, but have the will to start and discover ways to improve as you get closer to success. Nothing in life comes easily from the start. 

Willpower always sets us to burn our desires to become fast like a car or higher like an airplane. Our dream, it's limitless! Our pace sets us closer to the destination and to winning. Like a race, we burn the fuel of passion and perseverance and stay on track with agility and endurance. 

I am determined, so I have to start... on my own time... my own pace. This summer season is ideal for physical activities as fitness enthusiasts bring awareness to people about the value of health and wellness. I have witnessed the 2-day Fitstreet, an annual event at Bonifacio high street, BGC, offering various body, mind, and spirit activities. Non-stop Zumba of different classes encourages everyone to relieve stiffness and start swaying the hips and losing love handles. Marathon is fun for those who would love to go the extra mile and burn calories fast while strengthening their core.  Yoga and meditation are pure bliss. It's done just before the sun shines so bright in the serene environment. The Power of Meditation is alive! It's been a while since I last practiced it regularly, but the body, mind, and spirit must sync well for better awareness and moral consciousness. 

Fitstreet was created to inspire and motivate people to step up, move up, get started, and finish what they started. In years to come, we may live in a highly digital society, but being aware and conscious of what truly matters makes life precious. 

A lifetime commitment to physical fitness might not be a goal for now, but a single step is enough to start the game until we lose the energy and can no longer carry out the things we used to love. As long as we have the power and the will to live, we can go the farthest distance and live the most extraordinary life we deserve. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Physical Fitness For Better Health

Lifestyle change is hard to commit since it requires discipline and consistency. A dietary change, for instance, is hard, especially when living and working surrounded by instant or fast food. That is more convenient for always-on-the-go people with little time to prepare food. The physical effect could be worse since it makes people obese and prone to hypertension and a higher cholesterol level. This urban lifestyle is making people unhealthy. Looking fit but in the process of developing symptoms like pre-hypertension or hypercholesterolemia.

It was in 2016 when I felt something was wrong with my health. The heaviness on my head, accompanied by cluster pain, makes me sick. I experienced an increase in heart rate and hyperventilation. That time I felt anxious about what was happening to me. Until I sought medical help and through diagnostic and laboratory tests, it was discovered that I have a very high total cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol. In medical parlance, I have hypercholesterolemia and am predisposed to cardiovascular diseases leading to heart attack or stroke if left untreated. That scares me whenever I think of the possible consequence of my chosen lifestyle.

I used to be a health trainer for about 4 years, and during those times, I have helped people get fit and healthier at all levels of health; physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual. I used to teach physical exercises and breathing techniques for health and longevity. I have contacted more people in several cities in the Philippines and Asia. After leaving my role, I am back to the old ways; less exercise and a meat-based diet high in fat. I can't resist, or maybe I couldn't live without meat. I didn't bother since I could eat anything without getting sick. I am not obese, and I don't feel unhealthy. One day, I was convinced that an unhealthy and unbalanced diet was terrible for my physical health since its manifestations bothered me.

In November 2017, I consulted a physician again and had a laboratory check; the result was still the same. My cholesterol level remains high, and I was prescribed to take an anti-cholesterol drug and make a dietary change. Another test 2 months after, and the result was consistent though I have taken medicine but have ignored food choices. I just can't avoid eating fast food almost daily for about a year. However, I was alarmed about people getting strokes at a very young age, and I didn't want to experience it. So I have learned to ignore fast food, though not totally, and I try to drink less soda. I started eating a lighter and preferred pescetarian diet; fish with some vegetables. Then I felt good that I could survive the dietary change. One more thing is physical fitness is part of the lifestyle change. I used to be physically active, so I believe I can start again.

Living in a highly urbanized city should not be an excuse not to become physically fit and healthy. BGC, just a few steps from my new place, is suitable for exercise. Built as a recreation park, Track 30th  is for those interested in jogging, brisk walking, and breathing exercises.  You can see people of all ages, young and old, who are into fitness, even for a few hours. It's beautiful when urban planners now know the importance of having a piece of nature with trees and natural elements that make people grounded. There are more giant stones where one could sit to relax and meditate. That was bliss when I finally had the energy and enthusiasm to return to fitness for better health. Track 30th is an excellent place to start, and as I continue to explore, I should get more determined about the end result; to feel lighter, calmer, and healthier -- free from diseases and untoward symptoms.

The post-exercise meal should have been light, and to have dropped by at my favorite bakery is also a fitspiration. A few pieces of Pandesal stuffed with Spanish-style sardines and coffee are enough for carbohydrate and dietary protein requirements, plus the antioxidant for free radicals. I should learn to prepare healthy meals and snacks to improve my health and achieve wellness. With exercise and a proper diet, I can become a living testimony that we can achieve health and fitness and fight diseases through appropriate lifestyle changes.

I am inspired to share this journey with others who share the same story or those busy professionals struggling to commit to a total lifestyle change. Physical fitness starts with a commitment followed by endurance and perseverance. It's not only today; I want to maintain what is ideal.  A robust physical body also follows a strong mind and spirit. That's all we need.

© 2018 Del Cusay

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Holy Week 2018: A Loving and Merciful God

Visita Iglesia 2018: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish; Divine Mercy Shrine; San Roque Parish - Mandaluyong

This year's  Holy Week reflection may differ from my previous years' celebration since I have contemplated the reality in today's society, where there's no light in the hearts just for cleansing or renewal. 

In our country, where the battle between good versus evil is such a big challenge to be won when thousands of lives were not saved but have left a scar and darkness from deep within. It's a terrible and sad reality where darkness has invaded the souls, not just of the sinners but also the righteous men, the so-called protector of the state and its people.

When killing has been a normal thing produced in the mouth of the most powerful man...
When abuses of women have been a standard form of mockery...
When the biggest offenders are protected while the poor men are executed...
When young minds are becoming influenced and confused about right and wrong...
When violently dealing with things to prove righteousness and justice...

In this new generation of believers and non-believers, we have allowed ourselves to be defeated by the darkness. We have permitted being tempted to commit a sin to eradicate the dark, yet it's done wickedly, a barbaric practice that is unacceptable today.

Is there some light hidden in our hearts that needs to blossom and enlighten the people that surrounds us? That might be a reality to some, but indeed a mystery that only a few understand. Today's society is focusing on wars that will never be triumphant. The absence of love and inhumane behavior to defeat evil is never easy. Just like defeating our inner demons is a challenge that we have to fight forever. We have not resorted to other means but to seek the Divine light to renew us and strengthen our faith that we could defeat evil in our hearts and minds.

Our society is becoming sick that we have allowed anger, resentment, aggression, and violence to solve the unending problems. It has become an instant solution to ward off negativity. This created a cycle of violence in our emotional, mental, and physical states. We have been defeated by the darkness, and our solution is not to seek the light but to create chaos, another darkness that has enslaved our souls.

Let this Holy Week remind us that we have goodness in everyone's heart, no matter how evil people may have become. We may have sinned in the eyes of men, yet there's always a loving and merciful God who can forgive us and renew our life. A God will always take us out of the darkness and allow us to live illumined lives. Evil will always exist in this world, but we can always defeat them through the purity of our hearts and thoughts.

Let this Holy week be the time to renew our faith to be strengthened by God's love and mercy. Let us not allow evil to influence our thoughts and intentions. Let us remain to be meek and humble like a child. Let us stay innocent and forgiving and not plant seeds of harmful intentions or harm to other people.

Let our Divinity rule us to be kind and loving...
Let our conscience dictate what is right and wrong...
Let our humanity rule instead of insecurity and bigotry...
Let us be the light in the world of wickedness and lies...

Our society is dying regarding human values and virtues; let us help resurrect our old and good ways. When raised as a good child, we will never forget that goodness in us no matter how sinful we may have become. We can better appreciate the light when we have been in the dark, but let us not prosecute those who are already in the night, but lift them up and help them towards spiritual renewal so that they may appreciate the light after a long journey of the darkest moment of their lives. If God is loving and merciful, how could we not forgive and help them lead better lives?

There's always the opposite in this world...
There's a light after the dark...
There's a day after the longest night...
There's joy after loneliness and sorrow...

Let the resurrected Christ be our shield to rule our hearts, win over evil, and bring light to our society and the world today and forever.

© 2018 Del Cusay

Related Post:

👉 Holy Week 2017: Leading the Way

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Road Ahead: Setting A Goal and Getting Started

Often it's hard to get things done when everything seems to be just a plan or a goal to be set in the future. Yes, there are times when we are preoccupied with thoughts about what to happen in the distant future, but all we do is keep rehearsing until it becomes polished or perfect. However, no matter how refined our thoughts may be, something will only happen with our goals if it's just a thoughtform with necessary action. For years, this has been the reality for most people who are dreamers, setting a plan but only acting on it once everything is perfect. A certain perfection would mean no room for failure, and everything must be smooth sailing.

Whether our intention is directed towards personal development, such as developing our self-esteem to finally quit the corporate job and become a freelance professional, such thing brings excitement through a vivid imagination. A dreamed reality is hard to distinguish from a real-life achievement, though the latter is the most real and not just pure fantasy. Just like an absolute dream when we thought that it had happened already. The moment we wake up seems natural and not a dream state. A Deja Vu, or whatever we call it, a dream will remain a dream, and action will become a reality.

For some, learning to drive and owning a car is a dream. It's not just a luxury but a necessity in everyday living. Since childhood, we have been dreaming of driving even the fanciest car. Anyway, it's just a dream, but we have yet to realize that it's a simple dream that can make a reality. Through perseverance, we have worked on this goal, and there will come a time when we have achieved it. Owning our dream car has become a reality; for others, it's a fantasy, but that is now their reality. As a Sales Consultant, helping people acquire their dream car is my goal, and once they have owned it and driven for the first time, it brings a certain level of happiness and excitement to discover the road ahead. It's the imagination of reaching a desired destination that brings us joy that no matter how tough the journey, we still have the courage to finish the trip.

Another thing is about the journey to entrepreneurship, when some may have planted in their thoughts that someday, they'll run their own business and manage their own people who will help them achieve personal goals. It takes years of endless planning, but action must be taken to start owning it. It's not merely based on fear alone; it's not about lack of knowledge but about the lack of courage and perseverance. How about pursuing post-graduate studies? Do you aspire to get ahead in the corporate world? That's just 2 yrs, and you'll have an advanced degree deserved to get promoted and eventually raise in salary. So many dreamed realities will remain in a state of inertia unless acted through force. That's a law, and the universe tells you otherwise.

Even simple goals have remained as a thought form. Is it the goal to achieve physical fitness? Going to the gym and getting rid of some unwanted cellulite? How about hiking and mountain climbing? Was it last year that you promised to climb a mountain before the year ended? What happened? Simple goals, yet so hard to start. I may be like that, or you may be like that somehow. That's my story, and you have your own story to tell. I always remember a famous quotation: "The best thing to get ahead is to get started," and that must be true. It gives us the courage to make a brand-new start. Not to live based on fear and anxiety, but living a life of power and mighty.

When is the right time for it to happen? In the future? When exactly? Well, there's no perfect time but to act now. I've written something about The Power of Now: Being Aware and Present and about the present awareness and consciousness of relevant events in our lives. Similar to our goals, we have to stop chasing perfection and instead enjoy the journey along the way and correct things as it goes... the journey goes on, and setting a goal is just a single step, but getting started is when we get ahead in life beyond our wildest dreams and aspirations.

© 2018 Del Cusay

Friday, February 16, 2018

Celebrating Chinese New Year 2018: Prosperity and Abundance

Chinese culture and tradition were preserved by the Chinese-Filipino living in the Philippines for several generations, and they have continued to influence Filipinos in many ways.

Our lifestyle, which includes food, clothing, belief system, and even modern technology, is embraced and valued. We are always delighted by the colorful sights and architectural designs and entertained by classical musical instruments. These are some of the influences we've adapted for centuries and will continue to exist for generations. 

Chinese tradition is worthy of preservation since they show us how to love our culture, show respect to older people and share blessings with others.

It was in 2013 when I first experienced the Chinese new year in Binondo. The street was less crowded than at the celebration in 2018, yet people enjoyed the scenes and the Chinese cultural presentation. Celebrating the Chinese New Year 2013: A New Beginning is worth reminiscing about since it awakened my curiosity and fascination with Chinese history and culture and their massive influence on Filipino culture. Today, Binondo is a great cultural hub and an important economic center in Manila. 

The district is vibrant and creates nostalgia as the world's oldest Chinatown. Centuries of cultural and economic ties have formed great friendships and closer relationships. There's a particular bond that unites us, and by embracing each other's culture and beliefs, we're leaving a legacy to future generations of the lasting friendships we have formed through the years. 

The video above; click the arrow to view

Celebrating Chinese New Year 2017: An Auspicious Celebration was about optimism and higher hopes of what will happen or a prediction of fate. Truly a magnificent celebration becomes surreal, and it does a beautiful thing about present and future living. The forecast has become magical with the Chinese zodiac, bringing a wondrous surprise. Being hopeful to the highest degree attracts opportunities, which was a reality in 2017. Something extraordinary happened, and another chapter has opened, which is bigger and brighter. 

2018 was also welcomed, with hopes and aspirations for a more abundant and prosperous life. We have been dreaming of a comfortable and simple life dedicated to service. No matter what influences we have embraced, still, we are Filipino in words, deeds, and thoughts. 

We will continue to be more optimistic about what is unknown and not live in fear but dare to face the challenges with perseverance and a positive attitude. Like the Tsinoy or the Chinese-Filipino, they have succeeded because of their mindset of abundance, having enough, and always asking for more to share what they have. 

Prosperity is about receiving and acknowledging the blessings coming into our lives and taking a part of it to give back and become a blessing to others in need.

May 2018 give you a meaningful life, a prosperous and abundant life, and dreams coming true in the years to come. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Never Chase For Happiness: You can Create it

Some people say that to be happy, we must be successful at what we do; we have to reach for our dreams, our destiny, and not the imagined reality. That sounds true to some, but happiness starts to ignite from within. It is not to be chased, and it is never a destination. It may be a journey we create that, even at the crossroads, we still find that little spark of happiness.

There was a guy who was never content with his present life. He finds his world as dull and unexciting. Full of doubts and negativity, he always finds happiness in the presence of a group of friends and is dependent on them. He is not entirely in control and tends to worry in the absence of his friends, whom he considers his own family. He has a lifestyle others couldn't afford and feels happy to have friends with the same personality and lifestyle. The guy wanted to win his friends by bragging about the new things he owned, and that makes him happy when he is praised or idolized. It's a narcissistic personality that is too expensive for someone to possess. He has to compete with others wherever he goes and wants to stay caught up. He can be happy if in the presence of friends but can't motivate himself. He has to chase happiness from others to get comfortable and secure and feel down when alone.

Happiness is something we create and is not entirely dependent on other's opinions of us. There is happiness in solitude, even more than in the presence of a group or team. Happiness comes from the security of oneself and the confidence to own a personal battle. Wherever we go, we find happiness from even meaningful small things. Indeed, we create our own reality, and we can always survive a journey of a thousand miles if we can rely on ourselves. Happiness comes from within and is projected onto others. We create a wave of happiness that is contagious, and that improves our feelings and intrapersonal relationships. Happiness is everywhere, but it can be found first, not from afar or a specific type of person or a group. When we recognize our soulful desires, our heart feels joyful, leading to the eternal happiness we deserve.

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Pasinaya 2018: Love for the Philippine Arts

As a Filipinos, we always must uphold loyalty and patriotism to our country. When we were conquered by foreign invaders, we adopted their ways; language, arts, music, culture, and tradition. For hundreds of years until now, we have had these influences on our lifestyle, our way of living. We have embraced colonialism and slowly neglected our original identity of being Filipino. Although we are considered to be of mixed races by blood, our identity will still be the soul of our nation, and as One Filipino, we will take pride in our culture wherever we are and in whatever we do.

However, today, we must preserve our culture through the arts. The latest generation of Filipinos would have to appreciate the richness of the Philippine culture and pass it on to the next generation. Culture and tradition should never stop; they must continue to exist and evolve, but not obliterate. Hence, we can genuinely preserve it in literal form and in our minds and hearts. 

To appreciate and preserve our culture through the arts, the Cultural Center of the Philippines has been celebrating its annual Pasinaya Festival, which means to 'inaugurate' or 'opening' something grand and festive. The Pasinaya festival, in its 14th year, is gaining much-deserved attention from those who love arts and culture. It is a 2-day festival dubbed "Palihan at Palabas" where art lovers can enjoy workshops on various arts like dancing, singing, acting, writing, and theatrical performances. This is followed by a great showcase of artistic talents and renditions before thousands of viewers who appreciates and loves art. 

This is my 4th year experiencing the Pasinaya Festival, which never fails to amuse and entertain. Being Filipino is a great feeling to see performers from different art genres from other parts of the country. The viewers continue to grow yearly and are joyful with the presentations they may not have seen before. Ancient Filipinos' elegance, graciousness, and glamour only show some refinement in their way of living. So today, in our time, we glimpse how modern Filipinos can take us back to the early days when life seemed simple.

The CCP Resident companies are always in the spotlight. The classical pieces of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra; The modern parts of the UST Philharmonic Orchestra;  the gracefulness of Ballet Philippines and Tanghalang Pilipino and the Bayanihan Folk Dance Company and other performing groups have shared their timeless pieces that are indeed a product of class and elegance.

Last year's Pasinaya 2017: Arts for Peace was a great experience, and the viewers were moved by the years' theme when Filipinos can be united through arts despite the unending conflicts. Skills for peace are significant in years to come as we battle to achieve everlasting peace and harmony. While on this year, 2018, is a calling to show our deepest love for the arts to revive our pure sense of patriotism.

Cultural preservation and fascination through arts will go a long way if we are united and show deeper love and loyalty to our national identity. Pasinaya Festival will be one of the greatest gifts we could offer future generations as they reflect deeply on who they are and what they can show and contribute to the world. This is just the beginning of igniting our artistic abilities to prove ourselves and show the world that we are Filipinos with a soulful desire and the greatest love for our nation through cultural appreciation and rendition. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Power of Now: Being Aware and Present

Living in a fast-paced world as we are now is like a marathon, a race with an uncertain outcome. People are always in a hurry but arrive late at their destination. Along the way, we bumped into each other to get ahead. There's a lot of shouting, screaming, or even crying. No matter how hard it seems to be. Still, a determined soul can conquer obstacles and overcome defeat. There's no way to quit but to continue the race toward the peak.

Unhurried life isn't a thing nowadays, even in a rural village. We are all connected by the power of technology and get the latest information in real-time, at a particular moment, and as needed. Through an upgrade in transportation and communication, everything is quick and instant, as fast as teleportation if it's real. Getting to a destination excites us, and the journey becomes a cherished expedition. 

Years ago, life wasn't that complicated, and people enjoyed much in the present moment of their lives. Compared to now, most people live in their past when they can't leave their worries behind. Others may live in an uncertain future and become anxious about what lies ahead. That's life! Truly complicated.  Whatever comes into our head are unfiltered noises from different sources and even our own prejudice.

Living in the past and in the future is inevitable. When the mind wanders means a lack of focus and awareness of the present; not truly conscious -- not being aware. A complicated life of being not present in the moment has its consequences. We need to be more focused and productive. Our worries, fears, and uncertainties are enemies of productivity and consciousness. Though it is a result of previous traumatic experiences, we are still in control and have the power to return to a normal state of being; we enjoy the present moment and truly live. 

As we go through the next level of spiritual existence, we learn to ignore or filter those noises that will not benefit our being. We become more alert and focused on our actions; the result is fascinating  a stress-free living.

Being present and aware at the same time is a gift to ourselves or to someone dear to us. When we are aware and conscious of someone's presence, they feel accepted and loved by us. However, when we ignore their presence, they will feel neglected, abandoned, and uncared for; that's miserable and unacceptable. 

But in today's world, there's another side of the story; we often focus on our own, our personal intention, and our goals to achieve. We go on our own without validation from others. That's consciousness from the individual level. We go for healing when our soul finds its peace and being.

The power of now is so mighty that we experience and practice mindfulness. We do not allow minds that wander, but we focus our intentions back on our present reality. We choose to be peaceful and live stress-free lives, leading to our health and well-being. The power of now is a spiritual gift to the people surrounding us. When we are at peace with ourselves, we are present in dealing with people no matter what happens, and we deal with life peacefully. That's the power of presence and awareness  the power of now!

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Celebrating the Feast of Sto. Niño 2018

Devotion to the Holy Child Jesus or popularly known as Sto. Niño has been celebrated in the Philippine archipelago yearly, particularly in January. This is not just a tradition among the faithful but a meaningful celebration of being a youthful and cheerful servant or believer of the Holy Child. The image brought by the Spaniards was the reason for our celebration. Since then, Christianity has spread in the Philippine Islands, and our ancestors have embraced Christ, our Lord, and Savior. 

Several generations have passed, and we're still allured by the charming image of the Holy Infant. In the Philippines, there are several parishes whose patron is Sto. Niño. Being the recipient of the first Holy image given as a gift, Cebu City celebrates the Sinulog festival on the third Sunday of January. In Iloilo City, they also celebrate the Dinagyang festival the same week as the Sinulog. These two festivals have become one of the most significant religious events in the country and have attracted thousands of followers who are witnesses to the grandeur of this festivity.

On January 21, I witnessed the devotion to Sto again. Niño. From the old commercial district of Pajo in Caloocan and passing along the Parish of San Roque, thousands of devotees, including children, have shown their faith through a long procession of the Holy image. Devotees have been creative and vibrant in showcasing their images. Some parents would carry their children on their shoulders as they dance to the beat of the drums. 

Indeed, the significance of this celebration is the innocence of the child, who is full of wonders and gives a sense of happiness and joy to the parents and everyone. It was in 2013 that I witnessed one of the biggest celebrations of Sto. Niño in Luzon. Celebrating The Feast of Sto. Niño de Tondo gave meaning to personal devotion, a reflection of one's faith in the Divine. 

Celebrating the Feast of Sto. Nino 2016 was another chance to witness and glimpse this celebration. Two years after, it became more upbeat and alive. Unlike another religious processions, this is not the solemn type since they would carry the image and have it move or dance. This, however, is a personal devotion and belief. In the end, it is our faith that matters.

Like the Holy Child Jesus, we must show innocence, but our faith must not be stagnant; it must keep growing and flowing. We keep expanding our faith to reach people to keep believing and having faith in God no matter their challenges. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Divine Light: Our God's Greatest Love

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Sitio Lomboy, Linambasan, Jamindan, Capiz

We seek the power of the Divine light whenever we encounter unpleasant events in our lives; the darkest moments that block our path to see the light. We seek Divine protection when we feel weak and need comfort when we are in the deepest pain. We may have struggled and endured the pain, but one thing is for sure that there is a meaning in suffering. As we go along with our battles, we may experience the presence of Divinity in our community; the church, the parishioners, the servants, the followers, and the believers. We belong to a community that is Divinely inspired and committed to serving its Divine purpose.

It is through our heart's desire that we envision a greater community of the faithful. When one is called to serve his purpose, it will become a reality through the support and cooperation of the chosen community. Our wish; our desire is the presence of Divine love to all; regardless of one's creed, societal status, and character. Our merciful and loving God has called its people to renew their faith no matter how sinful one has become. Greediness, hatred, and lack of compassion may have degraded our character, but our spiritual nature cleanses and heals our flaws making us a stronger faithful. There is certain holiness in you no matter how sinful one may have become. At some point, we are bound to fail and stumble upon the dark. When the soul is in the dark, there is surely a light that would shine to serve as a guide and to lead the rest towards the Divine path. 

The foundation of the church is stronger as it is built with love and compassion. People from even the farthest location are called to follow and to serve. There's no hindrance to a spiritual path when one is called to serve and believe. Doubts and uncertainties are inevitable, but a stronger community will surpass the negativity and support each other bringing more light to the path. There's no big or small contribution as long as it is wholeheartedly given through Divine inspiration and guidance. Individual and group contributions will go a long way making the church and the spiritual community a leader whose obligation is to spread the message of hope and peace and love to all. 

The church is built closer to its people; we continue to make it bigger and brighter for generations to come. When the unknown future creates fears and doubts, we call for the Divine, just like when we call our mother when we are frightened and helpless. Our merciful and loving mother would rescue its child and save him from harm and danger. We are always being heard when we call for Divine help; when we can't stand alone in our battles and are easily defeated by the dark. Until we call for Divine guidance, we remain to be weak and helpless.

Through the spiritual community founded, we are one for all and we feel the warmth Divine presence.  We become clearer with our plans and decisions, we are guided with our intentions and we become a servant to those who needed help. Years may have passed by and the church that was built by the faithful will continue to become a sanctuary for everyone: the lost and wandering souls and those seeking the path towards Divine love and light. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Related Post:

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year 2018: Beyond The Limits

That was a challenging year, 2017. A roller coaster of unforeseen events and unexpected triumphs, an opportunity that was never lost but continuously on a cycle. When I look back to the previous year, I am still overwhelmed by the circumstances I experienced and feel grateful for what I have achieved. I have learned through the years that when the door closes, a window will certainly be opened for another milestone and breakthrough. 

The year 2017 ended with a positive spirit and gratitude to the Divine while looking forward to a beautiful life for 2018 for myself, my family, my friends, and everyone who has made a significant impact in my life.

To celebrate New Year means celebrating a new life full of hopes and optimism for a brighter future. I always look forward to the brighter side and removing the negativity that may hinder future success. Looking forward doesn't necessarily mean the inability to reflect on past living, where struggles, obstacles, and defeat are inevitable. 

It's always good to look back for self-realization leading to more vital determination. Whatever we have gone through will not change, but we can always learn a lesson for positive change and renewal. Celebrating a New Year is just the start of another challenge to take and hindrances to break. New Year 2016: A New Beginning was a liberation of the mind and grounding back to reality. Attainment of higher consciousness will always be instilled in the mind and will be the guide for a more excellent living beyond the physical plane.

A thousand-mile journey will need a guide, a GPS leading toward a destination. The will can complete the trip no matter how far it may seem. Time will be the barometer of success; we arrive on time, behind the time, or ahead of time. New Year 2017: A Hopeful Journey was about having the faith and perseverance that things will be better ahead of time; another life is waiting and will be something bigger and still significant. Indeed, that was an incredible opportunity, and I will persevere despite my challenges.

The time has come that I don't have to be on the same level of the fight but to understand and find meaning in every challenge encountered. I ended 2017 with a more significant fight of optimism that things would improve and healing would eventually take place for the benefit of the greater whole.

A New Year celebration with the family is always a source of joy, to be reunited and gain positive insights about living. It needs to be fixed from a different perspective when things go wrong. We may have been defeated and put to the test, but we can always reconnect the dots and rewire the broken lines to become whole and complete again. The principle of higher consciousness is beyond our lower emotions and limits. We can always stand up again and face the world with greater heights and a clearer view of the path. 

The road ahead is always about advanced thinking and the ability to see the next episode of life. The year 2018 is welcomed with incredible energy. The light from above will serve as a reminder that things become brighter even in the dark. We can rise up from the challenge and will emerge as a champion —  a winner in life.

© 2018 Del Cusay